Thursday, March 19, 2015

We must nevertheless have smart meters before long - and these can better manage decentralized elec

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A new report shows that Denmark can exploit windy periods with excess power from wind turbines to turn off the engines and boilers in district heating plants, saving CO2. But it requires that charges aransas pass are not changed. By Henning Mølsted August 28th, 2009 at. 13:58
Put electric boilers in the district heating plants and let them heat the Danish district heating water in the few hours the current price approaches zero - eg. at night when it is blowing so much that there is overproduction aransas pass of power. Then the works off their CO2-emitting engines and boilers while.
The main recommendation of the experts of the consulting firm Ea Energy Analyses and Risø which has published a report on how to avoid stopping the wind turbines when electricity production is higher than consumption.
According to the report may be set aside at least 1,000 MW of electric boilers in Denmark - or 1.25 times Avedøreværket capacity. It far exceeds demand. Each MW electric element will cost one million dollars to install, says Ea Energy Analyses.
This is because the Danish tax. Although the price of electricity at certain times diving to zero, taxes and tariffs, namely so high that it is not attractive for heating plants to disconnect the power. The fees to be down when electricity is cheap
"We recommend that the tax reduction in the hours when the spot price (electricity price before taxes, ed.) Are low or negative, or where wind power produces more than 100 per cent. of consumption. This will increase aransas pass the incentive to install electric boilers but also to consumers with heat pumps better let them run in the hours when there is a surplus of power, "says Mikael Togeby from Ea Energy Analyses.
At the same time it is also possible to organize subsidies, so there are not eligible electricity production from wind power, biogas and small-scale CHP plants during periods when the production cost is higher than the value of electricity.
Electric heating and heat pumps among consumers is expected to offer a controllable power consumption of 360 MW in about five years. In 10 years there will be a potential of 200 MW of electric cars. We reach far with cables abroad
At system operator pointing planning manager Dorthe Vinther that we in the short term get far with the expansion of the power system to Germany, Norway and under the Great Belt, which is ongoing, because wind power in this way can be to where it is needed it.
"We would like to have more electric boilers and central heating pumps of thermal power stations. They can be a good way to ensure that you get taken advantage of the increasing amount of wind power in Denmark - and also gives lowered CO2 emissions, "says Dorthe Vinther.
There are as many employees in the energy industry as the police and judiciary
Flemming Rasmussen 5 years ago Subscriber Re: For us non-engineers:
Is there anyone who can explain why the Swedes and Norwegians not turn down their hydroelectric power plants when the electricity price dive. Then they could save their energy for a time when they get a lot more for it. It would also keep the price up to the delight of wind power. Is it because: 1. Lack of transport capacity between northern and southern Scandinavia 2. Lack of financial understanding of the hydropower aransas pass plants 3. Lack of control systems 4. Or something else entirely. Immediately, I would imagine that there were significantly more money in managing the hydro power plants than in using immersion heaters.
Production costs for hydropower are the extremely low. That's basically all capital costs (interest and depreciation on the large investments made in the plant). Therefore; may sægles electricity for just a penny or two perhaps, it may well be profit for them, rather than an alternative to having to look the same amount of water bypassing the turbines.
In Sweden there are fairly strict requirements for the tolerance they must hold the water level in the lakes behind the works. Got a talk about it in Trollhättan a few years ago. So they may well fail to produce power, but so have to run the water past the power plant in periods of heavy rain.
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We must nevertheless have smart meters before long - and these can better manage decentralized electric boilers in consumers' heating systems. These decentralized electric boilers / heating elements spits out in large series production and is therefore relatively inexpensive.
When we finally get a cogeneration system and an electricity / district heating system among users, aransas pass so we can really aransas pass optimize power generation and consumption, instead of mindlessly inserting electric boilers in district heating plants?
At the same time the district heating aransas pass supply temperature is lowered - with reduced heat loss to follow. aransas pass and power plants to generate more electricity when kondensatortemperaturerne Remote

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