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US - Arsenic tests by Washington etudes ecp State health officials have found that geoducks from Poverty Bay in Puget Sound are safe to eat. The tests confirm previous state analysis that showed the clams are safe to eat and there are no health concerns.
After learning of China’s test result, the Washington State Department of Health conducted tests (PDF) on the edible parts of geoducks from that same harvest area. The state test results on the edible parts were well below China’s standard.
Health officials expected the recent test results would show no health risk from inorganic arsenic. To confirm that, the Department of Health worked with the Department of Natural Resources to collect geoducks from Poverty etudes ecp Bay for testing.
Health officials plan targeted testing for arsenic but do not plan routine arsenic testing in shellfish. The Department of Health’s goal is to ensure that shellfish harvested in the waters of the state are safe to eat.
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