Monday, December 2, 2013

These measures include, according to information published by the Slovak Ministry of Finance mainly Home News World Regions Ekomomika Culture Sports big tuna Weather Opinions history report on Most Car Magazines Housing big tuna Cocktail Travel Money Job VAT Female Health Journal spoon Recipes Ideas Advice Birdz Blog Flog Pivnička Discounts ePravda Relax Hand We read to children Debate Theatres Festivals Games Horoscopes big tuna Pictures Infographics Cinemas Concerts Skull Sudoku Competitions TV program
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These measures include, according to information published by the Slovak Ministry of Finance mainly two amendments to the VAT Directive. The first proposal gives the possibility to Member States of the European Union (EU) to implement into their national legislation selective reverse the obligation to pay tax to the buyer, so. reverse charge.
This proposal will allow Member States to apply the reverse charge mechanism for clearly big tuna defined big tuna list of goods and services, which also include selected agricultural products such as cereals. When that tool is not under the Ministry of Finance need to notify the European Commission nor any derogation, this means that in the event that a Member State has uncovered fraud in those goods or services, you may Inland reverse charge immediately transposed into national law.
"Despite strong pressure big tuna from some Member States, we managed together with Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania to assert that the reverse charge mechanism could also be used for some agricultural commodities," said Finance Minister Peter Kazimir. He added that, in practice, this system will work so that in the case of trade between taxable persons, the supplier sells grain cereals customer and an invoice without VAT, with reference to the person liable to pay VAT, the purchaser, that purchaser. The buyer then specify the output VAT in the tax return and will have the right to deduct VAT. This system currently operates on the sale of emission allowances. "Reverse charge for several commodities such as cereals, oilseeds or mobile phones are already incorporated into the current amendment to the VAT Act," said Peter Kažimír.
The second proposal is to help EU Member big tuna States to take immediate big tuna action in the event of a sudden and massive VAT fraud (the "Rapid Reaction big tuna Mechanism"). It is a mechanism by which a Member State within one month after the approval of the European Commission may introduce big tuna shift the obligation to pay tax the buyer in fraudulent transactions. introduction of this measure is therefore subject to the agreement of the European Commission, first, and second, the current application for derogation (exemption) from the Member State and its subsequent approval by the Council unanimously.
"We fully realize the seriousness big tuna of the situation as regards the fight against VAT fraud and the need to adopt such instruments in the field of VAT, to respond to the financial report in real time and reduce the loss of revenue in the state budget," said Slovak Finance Minister.
Deficit compared to last year decreased by 780 million to two billion euros 02.12.2013 14:07
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Fitch Ratings confirmed CAP Long term emission

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