Tuesday, December 3, 2013

London 3 December (TASR) menhaden - Ukraine

Instead of five regulatory agencies currently operating in Slovakia should operate from January 2014 only two. Merger of the Telecommunications Authority and the Postal Regulatory Office has incurred menhaden by the regulation of electronic communications and postal services. It also has to create a transport authority established for railway transport, aviation and inland navigation. Which is formed by merging the Office of Rail Regulation, Aviation Office and the State Navigation Administration.
Pictured Minister of Transport, Construction and Regional Development John Počiatek These intentions described by the transport department under the leadership of John Počiatek (Smer-SD) of the draft law on the Office for the regulation of electronic communications and postal menhaden services and transport authority tabled to the comment procedure. The reason, according to the Ministry of reducing the budgetary organizations in the sector, streamlining of administrative staff and the cost savings budget.
The Ministry estimates that the first three years of operation menhaden of the new offices will save 2.1 million menhaden euros. It saves Regulatory Authority will be 1.1 million and Traffic Authority 1 million. For employees, their number decreased by 53 people. In doing so decreases the number of statutory bodies of three people and the number of vice-presidents menhaden of one.
New regulatory menhaden authority will have nationwide scope and will be based in Bratislava. Activities of its offices outside the capital, however, remains the same, what is true for the regulation of postal services, which will continue in Liverpool.
Transport Authority will also be based in Bratislava, but retained his offices in the existing locations. In the case of rail transport menhaden are to relocate in Kosice Liptovsky menhaden Mikulas, Zvolen, Žilina and Bratislava. In the case of inland waterways regards Košice, Žilina, Bratislava and Komarno. "Although it can be in the future due streamlining example, consider the establishment of a common workplace for both modes of transport," the ministry promised menhaden in the material.
Telecommunications Authority disagrees with the intention of the Ministry. In his comments on the law, which has TASR available, menhaden it is not appropriate to the proposed abolition of telecommunications and postal regulator and the subsequent creation of the new office. According to the Telecommunications Authority effective solution would be the inclusion of the Postal Regulatory Authority and its role within the scope of the current SR.
For the content of the speech is responsible contributor. At the request of law enforcement operator is obliged to hand over lists of users IP addresses and other information recorded by the system. Therefore, the discussants are asked to contribute to the debate only in a manner which does not infringe the legislation of the Slovak menhaden Republic. Therefore first ask discussants to the discussion disclose contributions that have the potential to promote violence and open or hidden form incite hatred based on sex, race, color, language, belief and religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, nationality or ethnic group, contributions that promote child pornography, erotic and vulgar posts. menhaden The whole rules by server Headlines menhaden read here. User postings acknowledge that you have read the rules, is familiar with them, understand them and undertakes to use.
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3 December 2013 / TASR
London 3 December (TASR) menhaden - Ukraine's national problems already takes into account the current (recently reduced) menhaden rating, however, if the situation deteriorates and ... read more ...
3 Dec

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