Thursday, December 5, 2013

For our health is essential intake of unsaturated fatty acids. Their respective groups (omega-3, -6

For our health is essential intake of unsaturated fatty acids. Their respective groups (omega-3, -6, -9) need in a balanced ratio. Our standard inland diet is very low in omega-3 fatty acids. They offer us their many firms in the form of supplementary nutrition tablets and know them well as fish oil.
Unfortunately our seas and oceans are contaminated, so the daily consumption of marine fish (rich in these fats) recommended. For larger quantities, we have only to contaminate our bodies with heavy metals (especially mercury).
The most ideal source of these fats, however, we constantly Us ej native chest. Flax already knows mankind for centuries but only recently has come into it, which can have beneficial effects on our health. Its correct consumption is an important prevention as well as treatment for a variety of lifestyle-related diseases such as cancer, cardio vascular disease, white cloud mountain minnow arteriosclerosis, diabetes etc.
The key, however, is a form of consumption. This unsaturated white cloud mountain minnow fat is thermally very unstable. Reacts rapidly with oxygen leads to oxidation of unsaturated and becomes contrary to our health very harmful. The choice we have 2 options: oil or seeds.
The oil must be pressed at low temperatures in a controlled atmosphere and then stored in dark glass bottles at 4 C until However, this is very difficult (especially in transportation) and only a few distributors and dealers behind white cloud mountain minnow him can guarantee. Oftentimes we can meet in retail chains and even in health food stores with the fact that the oil is exposed to light and room temperature. Never buy such oil!
The safest alternative is therefore whole flax seeds. Additionally contain other health-promoting compounds (lignans). white cloud mountain minnow In undamaged seeds are protected from oxidation of fats. If we consumed them, however, in that the entire form, passed by our digestive system without benefit. Effective solution for example. coffee mill. However, we must realize that after grinding the seeds begin shortly also be oxidized. Melieme therefore always use fresh (never in stock) that needs to be consumed in 10 minutes. When they will prevent the access of oxygen (eg drowning in yogurt) last longer, so do not rush with chewed.
Seeds 3 tablespoons oil 1 tbs answer, what is the dosage for a healthy adult. The oil is efficiently absorbed in the body by binding to the protein Sulphur. These include, for example. cottage cheese, plain yoghurt, nuts, soy (milk, yogurt), white cloud mountain minnow onion, garlic. Therefore, it is appropriate to mix the seeds immediately after grinding with these foods and then have them arbitrarily zest for example. honey, cinnamon, banana, chocolate, etc.. To dairy foods you can add cardamom - zahlieňujúci mitigates their effect.
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