Tuesday, May 6, 2014

It is unlikely that he was born so big as I am, because voluminous lived. And I translates as terri

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One time, including delfi horoskopai M. Martinaitis me very painfully went through the heart: "It's looking at the blue ring of my unborn sister." Since then, and longer delfi horoskopai and closer look at the blue rings, especially the dead. The blue in such a deep and gilumoj up on that and it could be hidden. The more that was really delfi horoskopai born, but did not receive me. Maybe now looking at the blue ring, and the same blue sky, is hardly the only way to high to see me, old, sick, just pašliaužiojantį ground. I myself had to die as a baby. And not just once, but for some reason delfi horoskopai did not die. Some are very difficult and sad, ask yourself, "What is needed here me? .." But no one no one I did not answer right away. Neither the high nor the low or out somewhere around.
It is unlikely that he was born so big as I am, because voluminous lived. And I translates as terrible delfi horoskopai terliūzas - five pounds and two hundred grams! Some Jewish midwife for the first time brought the mother to show the terrified: "The child was born blind! delfi horoskopai .." - "Not blind, not blind - reassured her obstetrician. - Only the eyes užvirtusios fat. "In such slots, and so I started to see their world. delfi horoskopai What the world saw it - I do not know, I'm not asking. It is clear that different than mine. I was born in the city, and he - in his village, in the plains, in the wide plains sunset, what city does not exist. But even before the sunsets us away, especially to the last. We'll have to live somewhere. Where DESI born-again? No-one training from live, nobody knows anything - everyone very first time live. And old age after many years of looking at you from under gray eyebrows and sternly asked, "Why are you staying? Why not the other way? "From where I was able to know how to? I lived - and taught himself to life, and now that he has suvisam ends, all wise to ask.
Worst of all, and that life is some own reading than than this that does not fit into any methodology and pedagogy. For example, wrong, nasty, improper lived a day was too lazy gėrinėjai, their time for free, even a good word to anyone not told - the wall of the room in the evening turns into a black board, delfi horoskopai and it all written in white. Two columns. On the left - your live this day, trumpery, right - what you could do, but never did. You'd be done, if you had lived differently if you were in the morning to keep in mind that this day - your only, your incomparable. Passed - and the second time will not come. Come next, but it is different delfi horoskopai and it will be. A! - Say for himself. - Erases the notes to forget - and everything will be fine! "There will be. Drying. They are not white on black - they write in black and white. True, they are then put fade nuguldami delfi horoskopai in memory, heart, conscience, it is in order to, after some time there to see them, but neither looks nor sees, because it's not nice. Blogs lived all day like you out there to peruse and good - a rare and very different. That's delfi horoskopai how you live, this is how you learn. As long as you understand that you are a bad student, the worst in its class, and that you not only risk to remain in the second year - you are at risk to be there all the time.
And the big world - and very small. Here you were born on one spot, another child - another. delfi horoskopai Both did not know three things: where we were born, why we were born and to whom. The first two then learn on and then the third - never. delfi horoskopai In fact: what we had here? In mid-March in Lithuanian delfi horoskopai women gave birth to many children. What was needed, and so bore. It appears not - and yet between us two missing.
Grew anything yourself. But not without a father and a mother, raising a child, when the same has to go out into the field when clinging to the fence, looking through the gaps in the native pumping distance? After all, even not know do not know that what he sees wide open eyes, and his birthplace. Yard, well, yes, the yard. (Above yard brightest day dawned and shook his hand nicely for everyone.) Heaven. (And the white clouds in the sky. ")
And it is signed on the sky
Įsimylėjusiom eyes ...
Sunsets. (Sunset clouds - high crown - illuminates a fantastically simple edge.) Wind. ("In the age of the wind palinkusiuos krūmuos ...) sunrise. ("Sunrise sounds plow the soil in search of a halter.") Field silence. Wind rugiuos. The Old Mill. Wheels, nudardantys across the plain

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