Long-tailed Skua marked with a circle equipped with a lyslogger. In this way, researchers can uncover how it flies. (Photo: Kees de Jager)
Scientists have used new technology has made it possible to study the long-tailed skua migration from Svalbard and Greenland. The study used the so-called lysloggere weighing only 1.2 ounces.
- No radio, so we need to catch the birds when they return to the Arctic year, Sveinn Are Hanssen at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research at the Fram Centre.
Using these, the researchers alberta outdoorsmen were able to follow the long-tailed skua breeding grounds in Svalbard and Greenland to their wintering areas on the other side of the globe, to the south in the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean, off South Africa, Namibia and Angola.
The data from lysloggerne also showed that long-tailed skua make important stop on the road both south and north, such as the North Atlantic between the Grand Banks and the Azores and in West Africa.
Using lysloggere scientists managed to follow alberta outdoorsmen the long-tailed skua breeding grounds in Svalbard and Greenland to their wintering areas on the other side of the globe. (Photo: Børge Moe, Nina)
Both wintering areas and stops sharing with long-tailed skua a number of other seabird species that are on the move, but there are only a few arctic seabirds that draws so far as long-tailed skua.
Arctic alberta outdoorsmen Tern, famous for having alberta outdoorsmen the world's alberta outdoorsmen longest animal migration, the portions large parts of migratory route to long-tailed skua. The same is Sabine's Gull is a relatively rare måkeart. Read more: Draws the sea after nesting failure
The study therefore stresses that the Arctic seabirds rely on more than just the Arctic ecosystem. They rely on healthy and well-functioning marine ecosystems on a global scale, from the northern alberta outdoorsmen hemisphere to the southern.
Moe and Hanssen commends the cooperation of all research colleagues, alberta outdoorsmen who have made it possible to cover both Greenland alberta outdoorsmen and Svalbard that is an important alberta outdoorsmen part of the long-tailed skua breeding distribution in the Arctic.
Gilg et al: Trans-Equatorial Migration Routes, Staging Sites and Wintering Areas of a High-Arctic Avian Predator: The Long-tailed Skua (Stercorarius longicaudus), PLoS ONE 2013 8 (5), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone .0064614.
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