Silje-Kristin Jensen in thesis in biology studied possible routes of transmission of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii in polar bears. (Photo: Magnus Andersen / Norwegian Polar Institute) Biologist Silje-Kristin Jensen fishing videos in her recently completed master's degree studying "cat parasite" Toxoplasma fishing videos gondii in polar bears and looked at the possible transmission fishing videos routes through seals and whales.
- Survival of infectious Toxoplasma spores in seawater previously demonstrated, suggesting that the spores can survive in the marine ecosystem on Svalbard, says Jensen.
Ringed and bearded seals are the prey Jensen found to be in contact with the parasite. How seals in contact with the parasite remains unclear, but research shows an increase in prevalence in polar bears and ringed seals from previous studies.
- Since the company does not drink water, contact through diet the best explanatory way for infection. When the grooves fishing videos in contact with water may shells filter tracks and possibly infect animals that eat them.
- The increase we see may possibly be related to an increase in ocean temperatures on Svalbard in recent years including causes fishing videos new species emerge and new pathogens (disease) survive this far north, explains Jensen.
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