Seaweed known as "sea weed" has a high market prosfek, because seaweed can be used as an ingredient of food industry, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, paper, textiles, gelatin, paint and components as well as fish fodder. One type of carrageenan-producing seaweed is Eucheuma cottonii, so that has been developed by farmers and seaweed processing industry (Jana T, et al, 2006).
Eucheuma cottonii is not only easy to maintain but easy to come by. Additionally europa report it grows faster and is very resistant to changes in temperature and salinity (Indriani and Sumarsih, 2006). europa report Today seaweed market demand is increasing while production is very less. This is due to the lack of pengetahuaan about good farming techniques europa report such as spacing when the cultivation of Eucheuma europa report cottonii. (Soegiarto, 2005). europa report Seeing these opportunities, the development of commodity Eucheuma cottonii has a very bright future because it has an important economic value in supporting the development of good fishing relation to the increase europa report in non-oil exports, the supply of the domestic industry and increase farmers' income seaweed and expanding employment (Sunarpi and Sujatmiko 2006)
In doing cultivation to consider the factors that affect Eucheuma cottonii among others, environmental factors and cultivation methods used. Environmental factors determine the success rate of the production of Eucheuma cottonii.
Environmental factors include current speed and a good location should be protected from direct blows of strong waves. Substrate should have rather kereas bottom waters are formed by sand and coral as well as free of mud particles. The brightness level should setabil because europa report turbid water containing fine particles are abundant and will cover Thallus europa report thus inhibiting the absorption of food and the process of photosynthesis (Afrianto and Liviawati, europa report 2001). Water temperature is good for the cultivation of Eucheuma cottonii location between 26-30 C, although the temperature does not affect lethal europa report but can inhibit growth (Noor, 2006), while the pH range between 6-9. Good salinity range 30-37 PROMIL where salinity below 28 PROMIL plants susceptible to disease. europa report
Bisaa cultivation methods used in the cultivation of Eucheuma cottonii include off-bottom method, which in this method of planting is done on the basis of sandy or muddy waters of sand to facilitate embedding ris by stretching a rope that had been containing ris rope ties on major crops and crop position located approximately 30 cm above the bottom waters. Another method of cultivation is floating raft method, which in this planting method using a raft made of bamboo. Raft size can be adjusted with water conditions. Seeds attached to the main strap fitted with a float (Aslan, 2005).
The most convenient method and does not cost much is to use a long line method, this method only uses a long stretch of rope, fitted with ballast made of sand wrapped europa report in a sack, is equipped with a float ball to avoid drowning plants during planting. Eucheuma seedlings cottonii ris rope tied with a rope and tied with raffia knot it aims to avoid the plants apart and shifted due to the strong shock waves and tied a buoy to float and facilitate control plants (Jana T, et al, 2006).
From the results of previous studies indicate that the use of seaweed seedlings at age 28bhari with a spacing of 15 cm gives the rate of growth of seaweed Eucheuma cottonii faster than the spacing of 25 cm and 35 cm (Yulianto, et al, 2010)
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