Monday, January 6, 2014


Although not perfect sun rises from the east, the father and mother had gathered seaweed farmers in Loby Wisma Makassar Golden Thyatira. They had 4 people are seaweed farmers from Nangasia and Nangatumpuh Dompu who will go to the village feferi peixes and Bontoujung Panajau Kab.Jeneponto, South Sulawesi. They are there in order departure comparative feferi peixes study seaweed directly to the production center. This activity is one cooperation International NGO working in Dompu, NTB with PT.Jasuda Net from 6 to 7 April 2010. In addition they will be accompanied by the International feferi peixes NGO Staff, also accompanied by a Department of Fisheries and Marine Staff Dompu, NTB.
There are many new experiences that they get as described Mr. Rifaid, Seaweed Farmers of Nangatumpuh "I Think of this experience we get a visit and experience the many benefits of seaweed farming is not done in Dompu, among others in the binding feferi peixes Jeneponto done enough seeds 1 stick only, whereas in Dompu 2-3 rods, Drying feferi peixes system has been applied here and Marketing Hanging seaweed in groups. I will share this experience to other communities and will implement systems and also Marketing Drying Hanging Bekelompok '. Opinion was supported Mrs. Rosyida, Seaweed Farmers of Nangasia; "I will share the experience of the visit in this Janeponte feferi peixes Seaweed feferi peixes Farmers in Dompu, although in terms of our quality is equal to at Janeponto and invite more friends to grow seaweed that production and marketing more easier "
Not to be outdone by his fellow seaweed farmers, Mr. Mohammed Nur and Abdul Rashad (of Nangasia) argues: "The advantage in this Jeneponto more people who grow seaweed that more production. We will share the experience of the visit in this Jeneponte Seaweed Farmers in Dompu, and will implement the system in order Drying Hanging weight results in more and better quality "
However, that seaweed can affect economic development for the community on an ongoing basis there is some homework to be done first. Between feferi peixes judgments with; Strengthening farmer groups in Nangasia Seaweed and Nangatumpuh both in terms of group management, seaweed farming systems and marketing systems together. Increase production by adding seaweed seaweed farmers and extend expanse of seaweed for seaweed farmers that already exist, and Expanding market network seaweed (can also take advantage of the information and Department of Fisheries & Marine Dompu, NTB) so it does not only depend only on one collector alone.
This article was sent in on Friday, April 16th, 2010 10:09 am and in the fill under Articles & Opinion. You can continue to see the response of this article through the RSS 2.0 feed. r You can respond, or trackback from your website. Post navigation Previous Post Next Post
jalandakwahbersama said:
Seaweed fresh Maseh if yach gitulah brownish color .. if there is dried into a little white, if already so food will change again especially if already been colored .. Warm Regards
Experience feferi peixes truly mengkagumkan. Not easy for us tasted the experience so for the second time. the consortium has presented science gives useful info and childbirth conviction sustenance for us that there are everywhere and if diligently pursued, would come a sizable income.
Water Grass Seaweed atu (Malay) could be an additional provision if seriously attempted, other than short-age, too much industry as the swamp memanfaatkannya.Selain material can also be processed into food (including sweets, or kerepek, etc.) .. Salam Mesra also from the interior of the province.
may exchange links bro? I plug in the link already
tu the name of science must be pursued wherever feferi peixes it is, ...
Greetings sir!! I am a student of fisheries, where street vendors in Jeneponto feferi peixes ad (job training) for seaweed cultivation in particular students do not pack!!! feferi peixes please help if there is no address and can dihunbungi pack hp ... thx
Greetings, I Hidayat from West Java corms have a business engaged in the supply and cultivation of freshwater fish seed. the kind we have is: Gurame (goose), Red Tilapia (NIFI) Nila Black (Swift), carp (wildan and Rajadanu), catfish, pomfret, catfish sangkuriang. all in various sizes I want to work with partners in Kalimantan to expand our marketing network if adaa partners who are interested can contact me on no 081312417419 or email via
April 2010 SSRKJSM Mar May

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