Since 1986 the cultivation of seaweed has been adopted by the community in the Thousand fishing network Islands, especially the communities of Island Village Bake. Now, seaweed farming systems generally fishing network used are longline system (mine / rope PE) using the framework of a rope starter. The system includes primary components rope (mother), ris rope binding site kelp, seaweed straps (straps fishing network children), large buoys (jerrycans, sterofoam or balls), small float (plastic bottles) and anchor rope. The main rope diameter of 12 mm and is constructed rectangular, and every corner of the given anchor to hold the system in a fixed position and also installed large buoys on each corner. Ris 3-6 mm diameter rope tied rope with a diameter of 2 mm child as a binder of seaweed and also installed a small float (plastic bottle) with a distance of 3-5 m. For ris rope attached buoys along 10 m 3 pieces. Each unit typically contains 50-300 fishing network rope system ris. Ris strap length ranges from 10-30 feet (8-15 fathoms), the distance between the rope ris ranged between 0.5-1.0 m. Position fishing network longline seasonally adjusted construction. West wind at the time of the season, which is between December fishing network to March ris strap position parallel wind direction, as well as in Southeast wind season is between April to September.
Seaweeds are maintained by farmers fishing network on the island is generally manifold Euchema Bake cotonii. Seaweed cultivation fishing network begins with the preparation of mining activities / ris rope. This rope is dried and cleaned of organisms that occur in engaging the last growing season. Seaweed seed derived from the nursery itself or from other farmers tied to the rope using a rope ris 1-2 mm in diameter, with a spacing of 20-30 cm. The average weight of cuttings planted seeds seaweed 100-200 gr.
Seaweed is maintained for 40-60 days. During the maintenance period, activities fishing network and pest control. This activity is carried out by using a paddle boat (manpower) and motor power. Pests that attack seaweed is beronang fish (Siganus sp.), Especially during the transition season season east to west or about January, February and March. In the months that also happens moss growth is more than the other months. Disease that usually fishing network attacks the seaweed is "ice-ice" which is characterized by a pale white color and rotting seaweed on the rod tip. Colors are preceded by a red color. This disease usually occurs during the summer so that the temperature of the sea water increases. Based on that, seaweed fishing network farmers on the island to avoid planting seaweed fishing network Bake in the heated seawater temperature fishing network conditions, ie in the month of September to November.
On the condition of seaweed has been attacked by the disease, which is generally done is cut off the farmers affected plants and dispose of and subsequent move to another location or maintenance of the harvesting method. Harvesting is done after 40-45 days old kelp seaweed to produce for the needs of industrial raw materials, or the age of 50-60 days for food raw materials (candied seaweed), or 25-30 days old to be used as seeds. Seaweed biomass at harvest is usually increased fishing network to 4-6 times the initial biomass, resulting fishing network in a point / bonding usually can be harvested an average of 500 g seaweed, or in a 30 m long rope ris can be as much as 1 quintals harvested seaweed. Seaweed release of bond yields and followed fishing network by washing ris strap for use on subsequent cultivation process.
Scale cultivation of seaweed is determined by the number of units of container and rope ris any number of container units owned by each farmer, thus determining the broad waters are managed. fishing network Seaweed farmers on the island generally have 1-6 units of container cultivation with rope amount ranging between 50-300 lintangan ris. Placement unit container cultivation not only in the waters around the island Bake, but menjankau other waters around the island adjacent to the island as the island Bake Bushes Leaf, Water Island, fishing network Island and Coral Island fishing network Lebak work.
After harvested seaweed is treated according fishing network to its usefulness. For the consumption of raw materials (dry salted) directly harvested seaweed is dried, while for food raw materials (raw materials candied seaweed) soaked in fresh water during the first 2 days, then washed before drying. Drying is done in the above para-para, sand beach, with a paved public road waring for 3-7 days depending kapada weather conditions.
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