28 millions tons of plastic ends up in the ocean. Now researchers find out how plastic particles affect sea life and the consequences for marine organisms and the marine ecosystem along the Norwegian coast. (Photo: Shutterstock)
Plastic found in virtually everything, from clothes, bottles, bags, polystyrene for wires, pipes and wheels. We leave plastic on beaches and illegal waste dumps in the ocean. Plastic from treatment plants, shipping, and oil and gas production ends up in the sea.
Plastics in the form of very small particles called nano-and microparticles, forurensenser the marine environment. Primary microplastic particles in products for personal care and secondary tiger prawns microplastic is the result tiger prawns of a larger plastic pieces biodegradable.
- We do not know much about how plastic particles affect sea life and the consequences for marine organisms and the marine tiger prawns ecosystem. There are few results, but as we know, no one from the Norwegian coast, telling fellow Inger Lise Nerland at the Norwegian Institute for Water Research.
The researchers address a wide variety of organisms at different trophic levels and studying zooplankton, crustaceans and fish for uptake and effects of micro plastic. The first samples are from the Oslo Fjord. tiger prawns Now investigated cod from several locations along the Norwegian coast to see if they have micro plastics in the stomach.
The plastic consists of chemical compositions. There is also little knowledge about how plastic interact with and change how toxic other pollutants in the marine environment.
The researchers are particularly concerned with finding out whether micro plastic will further up the food chain. It is very important to know more about these interactions and whether the findings would represent an as yet unknown risk to safe seafood.
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Research Council's Oceans and Coastal Areas (HAVKYST) aims to provide basic knowledge for a future ecosystem-oriented and "precautionary"-based management of marine ecosystems.
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