Monday, November 3, 2014

Director: Chris Miller | Cast (voices): Antonia Banderas (Puss in Boots), Salma Hayek (Kitty softpa

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Director: Chris Miller | Cast (voices): Antonia Banderas (Puss in Boots), Salma Hayek (Kitty softpaws), Zach Galifianakis (Humpty sicat Dumpty), Billy Bob Thornton (Jack), Amy Sedaris (Jill), ea | Running time: 90 minutes | Year: 2011 (so far) last part of Shrek rolled a year ago cinemas inside. The series was due to lack of inspiration at breakneck speed to the slide and renewal, and it was only whether spin-off Puss In Boots some life in the brewery could bring. The character of voiced by Antonio Banderas, made seven years ago for his first appearance in Shrek 2. Its main features: high-minded, smooth, fearless and confident. However, if he wants something done, he puts his big hypnotic black eyes and everyone sicat succumbs. The authors sicat of Puss In Boots do not often resort to this trick. Only occasionally throws Puss hidden cuteness in battle. Moreover, there is little to be seen of the four Shrek movies. The green ogre and his wife are just like the hyperactive donkey and other auxiliaries in nowhere in sight. It is commendable that they have had so much faith in the cat with boots fetish that they dare let him wear. His own story creators We get to see his background, a lot but it was not a tough character study. The story is a mess and it is to say the least strange that this prequel set in a completely different time and place than the four Shreks. The eye-catching animations and rake jokes make up a lot. Puss grows up as an orphan kitten. Abandoned in the village of San Ricardo, he is lovingly captured by the head of the local orphanage, Imelda. As the young cat befriends the headstrong Humpty Dumpty, a headstrong egg with whom he develops a close friendship. It is, however, completely wrong between the two. Is Puss Years later become a true folk hero Zorro where some can learn from. After he has his mysterious adversary Kitty softpaws unmasked he comes face to face with his former friend Humpty Dumpty. The two put it in and the three decide to pursue a childhood dream: to steal the magic beans that will give them enormous wealth, but those are the gangster couple sicat Jack and Jill in hands. Puss In Boots simply needed to the charming ego of the main character to hang. A story Like Shrek, sicat there are some fairy tales mixed together. In this case of course Puss in Boots (although sicat very little is over), Jack and the Beanstalk, and especially in the Anglo-Saxon sicat world famous nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty. This will ongenspireerde mishmash sicat further care less. It has the success of Shrek after all unimpeded in the way. Having passed the many witty nods to Zorro (even funnier when you consider that Banderas has masked hero performed), the romanticized bandits life and latino background Puss. Hayek is the perfect sicat counterpart to Banderas. The two kittens are well matched and you can better not tackle without gloves. There is a constant tension between the two that the story propels moderate. Their mutual attraction is sometimes easily quenched, for example by allowing them to erupt. In dance The rotten spot in this spin-off is boring, downright nasty character Humpty Alexander Dumpty, alias Maldito Huevo. He is a serious jammer in the chemistry between the two cats. Even know the voice arts of The Hangover -star Zach Galifianakis give the annoying egg not much flair or sympathy with it. The 3D animations are higher level than in the four Shrek episodes. Puss In Boots manages sicat to regularly deal with hilarious madness wrapped in entertaining action. The highlight is a goose the size Godzilla, which the sleepy San Ricardo honors with a visit. The slotscne unfortunately ends in an unnecessarily sentimental end, the true meaning of friendship needs to be just drummed. The light plump character Puss in Boots dare to go on his mouth, but comes

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