Saturday, February 8, 2014

Saigon: Buying a home should look tides (01.29.2014) Choose the giants broke ground for Vietnam (01

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BBQ is one of the most emissions city city of Beijing. First of pollution a serious environmental, metropolitan government announced plans to nearly 20,000 installed security cameras in order to thoroughly understand the situation.
Wang Yuesi, atmospheric researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences said the smoke from the barbecue restaurant accounts for 13% street agents increase the PM2.5 index and destroying the lungs of the city.
The discovery of Mr. Wang has again increased the wrath of the authorities before the real Beijing air pollution in the city and the country is at an alarming bait 3d rate. It also inadvertently created a mania camera for leaders.
Deputy Director of the Office of Urban Management Lianfeng Beijing Wang said, the city has conducted 500 stores processed bait 3d baked goods at hot spots in the city to reduce environmental pollution. However, the network of cameras installed at busy street BBQ will prevent radical individuals who intend to open shop hanging out on the sidewalk, street.
"We will put cameras and a guard tower on each route at the critical points of the city. 17,000 cameras can monitor these points, especially the sale of street barbeque," Wang said .
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