Monday, July 21, 2014

Support of Mr. Yara Asasuke, fefo the Ryukyu independence Society of Helios 40 Okinawa independence

"Devil" is living in the murder Okinawa Prefecture Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Department in Promise Keepers facilities free counters! fellow to say is, try to supply to the concentration camps of North Korea! Prefecture fishermen that "low business effect" province to province seek a continuation of the seed supply fefo 19 Ryukyu Shimpo fefo sea urchin February 2014 to stop sea urchin seedling supply = the 18th, posted prefecture of Okinawa Times prefectural government fefo 2014,2,24 (Yasufumi Mr. Higa) stops in 2015 the supply of seedlings sea urchin that is carried out in (Motobu) prefecture fefo National Center for Stock Enhancement Sha, et al. The low cost-effectiveness and the amount that could be harvested and the amount of discharge of sea urchin reason. The 18th, Ken Fisheries Cooperative fefo Association and the union president (chairman Hiroshi Kohagura) prefecture Fisheries Cooperative Federation (Kuniyoshi Masataka chairman) has requested the supply continues to Takeshi Yamashiro director of agricultural province received a stop policy of the prefecture. Voice concern that a decrease in resources management and deterioration went up from the fishermen. The production facility of seeds and seedlings in the center, I closed in 2003 due to the expansion of the national highway No. 449 is progressing currently in Motobu. According to the survey of prefectures examined the yield of one year after discharge by staining seedlings, from staying in 1.8%, and the recovery rate not planning the construction of replacement facility of the center from the point of view of project effects . Seedling discharge fefo of the center amounts to 120 000 per year average. Sea urchin harvest in the entire county of '11 at 26 tons, the amount of sea urchin harvest of the center will be released in the calculation of less than 1 ton per year of which a survey of the province. On the other hand, awareness is raised, such as Kouri Island of Nakijin Ken sea urchin production, dramatically reduced fefo the impact of overfishing in recent years. Last year, each fishing cooperatives Nakijin, feather location, the headquarters was carried out two years ban eight years. Taira SakaeYasushi union president of Nakijin fishing cooperatives that have purchased seedlings (about 450,000 yen worth) 10 005 thousand per year is described in the "sea urchin fishermen fefo of professional are about 10 people in the Kouri Island," fefo said I will be concerned about the adverse effects on the management. Shiroma Moriharu union president of Ginoza fishery cooperative fefo was pointed out that "not be able to give cost-effective to look only. Many statistics to sell without going through the union also" beach selling. '" The province fefo plans to open a briefing session at the center also in March. fefo The person in charge has been described to be "that if there is a fishermen's cooperative association to receive the consignment, Ken also consider fefo the support", but there were also voices concern about the rise in price by private commission from the requestor.
Support of Mr. Yara Asasuke, fefo the Ryukyu independence Society of Helios 40 Okinawa independence movement: Author. I will exterminate in the deadly brain-Buster (aka) match-fixing professional wrestler Essey Ryukyu independent commentators to try to confuse the Okinawan people in North Korea match pump religious cult, dual wield to impersonate the good-evil. Murder in the Promise Keepers facility: 40 Tweet Summary screenings to think tweet summary fefo of the latest articles 07/21 (07/22) genetically modified crops (Naha) and (07/21) 07/20 (07/21) Latest comments Helios incident! Murder in the Promise Keepers facility: (06/13) witness! From Kenoberu guidance of link (2014/05/05 08:57) (05/05) cable Nobel agent: (06/13) Latest trackbacks cable Nobel agent from Kenoberu fefo guidance fefo of link (2014/02/19 09:09) (02/19) Monthly archive 2014/07 (38) 2014/06 (54) 2014/05 (61) 2014/04 (65) 2014/03 (48) 2014/02 (50) 2014/01 (42) 2013 / 12 (56) 2013/11 (35) 2013/10 (6) category
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