Saturday, July 12, 2014

non Vogliamo il New World Order dei satanisti S.p.A, farisei banchieri massoni Troika, vogliamo il N

non Vogliamo il New World Order dei satanisti S.p.A, farisei banchieri massoni Troika, vogliamo il NWO della bontà, sovranità di Dio, nella giusta pacifica comunità degli uomini liberi tutti fratelli? lake fork fishing report Questo lake fork fishing report è un progetto laico e politico che si realizza attraverso i valori laici della giustizia (il male che non vuoi per te ad un altro non lo fare) e della Verità (non dire le bugie) quest è: METAFISICA UMANISTICA PERSONALISTICA di Maritan e Auriti Giacinto
[[The devastating power of: Unius Rei]]: If I am Unius Rei: that is the Governor: Universal: sent by the Kingdom of God on this: colony penal: ie: the planet earth! I has the total politic powers of representation of Kingdom of God... So: this is my power: namely, to have: the word creative! because: only: this could be the meaning lake fork fishing report of delegation: in white: that has give God: to me, because: I can exercise lake fork fishing report a ministry of universal political. The responsibilities of God: are only to ones to realize: as, I have said: in time and in manner: which He has chosen! @ramadann1431--- there is no Antichrist: or maitreya: that: he can think: of fight against: Unius Rei. because: they know: as: I swat them: like flies: on the wall! but: I am not motivated: by feelings: of revenge: about: the Christian martyrs, that were killed: before: of my rising! and because: I will accept: the submission: even of the demons? then: I will not refuse: lake fork fishing report the help: of anyone! @israelnationaltv-- Neturei Karta: ie: "2628342". they are the: most squalid: that: I know! 1. they have sold: Israel: at the destruction: already programmed. 2. are the main allies: of the Satanism: of Rothschild: and the: IMF: 3. they know: that: will be: a huge massacre: on a global scale: lake fork fishing report 4. but, they would say: we are innocent: about: the IMF and Israel: people do not kill us! 5. but: the Kaballah of Rothschild? he never spared: the Jews! indeed: it is for: my powers: of: Unius Rei, that: I can rip to Satan, lake fork fishing report from inside: the hell: [where is the 60%: ​​of the whole: human race] that is: all those lost souls: and all the demons, that, they will accept: that: they will want: to enter: my service: for subduing: themselves: to my power! That God: may be glorified, supremely! and be supremely humiliated Satan! however, lake fork fishing report I have a pain .. with this my ministry? I postponed: lake fork fishing report the end, of this: Mankind Criminal: and consequence: manifestation: of: Anti Christ: and Christ: about: of 300 years later.. @IsraelNationalTV: certain: I am always aware: When you talk about me .. this happens: every time: that: I has writing: an article .. is as follows: 1. the intensity of ultrasound: in the right lobe: of my brain? are the comments: of my friends: 2. and ultrasound: in the left lobe: of my brain? are my enemies! but: my enemies? they no longer have a life, because: God has said to me: "Sit thou at my right: hand, until: I put: all of your enemies: a footstool: for: your feet!" here because: their resistance: is useless .. In fact, good men: they will not do: kill themselves: by Rothschild: this time! "one King: for one Kingdom" - ♰ AMEN ♛ MENE Techel PERES: in Jesus's lake fork fishing report name! Racist Zionist elite Masons Islamist leaders to accomplices of the IMF-World lake fork fishing report Order: ie: all Satanists? lake fork fishing report have no right to speak: in Israel! because: if: I look: in my face: all those: who insist: on speaking ill: of me? are those: who: have: filled their: the bill: in the bank, but: no longer have: a life in the Kingdom of God: because: they themselves have: hundreds of millions: of people: that are starved: to death, for their guilty etc. .. etc. .. all the people death: on their conscience .. at contrary: they no longer have a conscience .. that's why: their word: as their opinion? has no value! LaVeraDottrina said: Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, SESS. XI Bull "Cantate Domino", 1442: "(The Most Holy Roman Church) firmly believes, professes: and preaches: that none of those: that: they are out: the Catholic lake fork fishing report Church, not only pagans: but: also Jews or heretics and schismatics , can acquire: eternal lake fork fishing report life, but, that will go: into eternal fire - ANSWER - yOU AND YOUR Pope: PRE-VATICAN II? yOU confuse. SALVATION: (DONATED tO GOD: FOR tHE MERITS OF CHRIST: to all good man: WITH the DIVINE NATURE .. because: of inaccuracies existed: in the past! this SHOULD be ADJUSTED: As, EVER: the TRADITION: or: the TEACHINGS: WILL BE HIGHER: of the SAME WORD of GOD.. with this structure: of Chinese boxes? you do: the Talmud: or: the Koran: of the Christian: to kill all: who do not think: like you! but: that's why: I'm Unius Rei: ie: to open: the Kingdom of God: to non-Christians! BUT: AS YOU CAN CONCEIVE: A GOOD GOD: THAT SEND you, at the HELL: ONLY: WHY: you DO NOT FORM PART: OF one RELIGION?! BUT, WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE: THERE: BETWEEN: YOU AND: JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, JEWS: MUSLIMS: etc. .. that is, all the others? that: difference: there is: between: your formalism: and formalism: of

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