Do not write about as the Tower of Babel, how about reached us from ancient legend. Babylon tower will be just as allegory covering my thought. I live in the Netherlands. Probably most of my compatriots, and not only knows what it is. Specifically to the face. And not only in the Netherlands - throughout our senojoj Europe you motinelej This language. My God you are my problems .... What does raise! People do not work in many cases, locals are looking at the "will" is high. And why? And so, the locals think that their language is the most important in this world, and not let God talk to a stranger, fishing magazines in any other language. There are those who do not feel any discomfort, speaking in English or the other, while others pretend to understand. And I think now, or working as a cleaner, dishwasher, or standing at a conveyor belt factory in the very least it is so important to know the language. The most important fishing magazines thing in my opinion is the human values, such as respect and tolerance for each other, what language we say or do we operate. Of course, I agree that it is necessary fishing magazines to learn the language of the country where you live, but it should fishing magazines be encouraged beautifully, without any pressure. . And of the Tower of Babel is a allegory. According to the legend of harmony, peace and order were in Babylon until the wife of one language spoken, and as soon as God was grieved forced many people speak the language - into chaos. Now talking about the globalization of the economy, and everywhere else, and the fact that the interaction with people from globality to be - forgotten. As a whole I wish that people around the world to learn to speak a language. Disappear then maybe desire popcorn, because now everyone explains that his most important fishing magazines language and settled. Of course, the Patriots and all sorts of others - Jota was grieved with me. Forgive me, dear, I'm sorry. Previously I was a Patriote, while life has not compelled to think otherwise.
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