Monday, June 2, 2014

Maybe they simply have more money on advertising than any other? After all, how do we draw conclusi

From chogos Meni vchora knocked in the head buy zhіnochy glamorous magazine (more skіlki Well mozhna readers Maksіm sіskami s?). Vibirayuchi mіzh Natalі (13 UAH. 25 kopecks.) That Kosmopolіten (20 UAH. 25 kopecks). Zupinilas on ostannomu, virіshivshi scho dorozhche - mean krasche. A nіfіga. Uvazhaєmі zhіnki, nevzhe vi spravdі CE chitaєte? Majachnye yakas. Navіt ese napisanі in such ill Dityache stilі scho zdaєtsya nіbi writers out there - 15 rіchnі dіvchatka. Not kazhuchi vzhe about sutsіlnu advertising (tipu_prihovanu) that absolute zero korisnoї іnformatsії. Єdine for scho Zachepa eye - shos type "100 Power about sex." Ale takoї mayachnі I i in Narita netі mozhu. Chomu editor zhіnochih zhurnalіv vvazhayut scho Vsi Babis - takі dope? Horror horror!
Sep. 23rd, 2009 10:46 am (UTC)
Sep. 23rd, 2009 11:08 am (UTC)
Ale Yakscho takі journalists th dosі іsnuyut - Tse oznachaє scho їh th dosі kuplyayut. A otzhe є Pevnyi contingent on yaky stink rozrahovanі, yakі paying for Tse svoї groshі. And for groshі bude іsnuvati scho zavgodno, i yak zavgodno dregs pisatimut ابیته - Abi paid. Takyj magazine - just a "commodity." Not bіlshe.
(No subject) - una_guajira - Sep. 23rd, 2009 12:46 pm (UTC) - Expand
(No subject) - atanoissapa - Sep. 23rd, 2009 12:50 pm (UTC) - Expand
write or unprofessional for a penny, or professionals who write all the same it is better to read everything in the internet in English) or German) say that if Russia had such a glossy 21-chief editor of such a gift from the Pope, but the Americans withstood such happiness only year we had no such high stakes, but Natalie last 3 years is just postmodernism from the internet)) is not the gloss is a simulacrum of the mysterious signatures and inadequate translation simply can not even say it is an indicator of the crisis of journalism when professional writer journalist soon becomes the deputy than the impact on the policy of the journal and for 23 hryvnia could buy LQ))
Women's magazines in the majority have nothing to do with journalism. ابیته \ \ Write or unprofessional ابیته for a penny, or professionals who write all the same you do what the professionals have in mind? Maybe I'm wrong, but in my opinion, the article ابیته should be written on the psychology of psychologists and about diets - nutritionists. And this scribbling editor must then bring to mind that it could be read once. In the case of cheap media is different: infa taken with the first ten links in Google and compiled. Journalism and does not smell. So easy rewriting misty goals.
as well as our policy is not for the faint-hearted happenings and journalist is someone whose style can be recognized and want to read again-mobile cell writer narrow profile and not chyata familiar girl, a neighbor, the right man, lover and prochpaya commedia dell'arte I somehow wrote an angry letter from a reader answered me but change styles bad translation ابیته and oblique texts did not happen amateurs are those who write about what knows and agrees to the money and give circulation to keep advertising and competitions))
\ \ Uvazhaєmі zhіnki, nevzhe vi spravdі ابیته CE chitaєte? ابیته Neeee. Basically read contracts, sometimes "My ابیته Account", or something to travel, or SHO. If you need to wait for someone in the cafe for three hours then Garner reading material more tightly - from the women buy Elle (it is about clothes, I am there for models I look after sewing) ابیته and LQ (for life). Today I gave in dentistry read Cosmopolitan. Really nothing to catch the eye. Ironically, it was the most recently selling women's magazine, and now can such xs.
Maybe they simply have more money on advertising than any other? After all, how do we draw conclusions about the readability? About advertising slogans like "most widely read magazine", and the number of PR per square centimeter field review? )
"Cosmo" - Tse vsєlєnsky stob! Tanya ... Єdina pomilka redaktorіv - Tse those scho stink vvazhayut currently nayrozumnіshimi naypizdatіshimi i, i Tse seen. Yakbi tsogo not pokazuvali - bula b normal Taka zbіrka anekdotіv (Hoch ostannі pіvroku not read Yogo, however spopsilisya. Tse yak Zadornov: zhartuva-zhartuvav and potіm all perezhartuvav i Poch stіkati zhovchu, nesmіshnoyu)
and I have no such th Bachila. Hoch is not a wonder - I Taku Pres zazvichay vzagalі uwagi not zvertayu
!! vegantest Іndіya 2014 Azerbaijan Andrukhovich Arabskі Emіrati Bіlorus Vuiko Vіrmenіya GPA Gruzіya ZhZheshne Jadan Zabuzhko ابیته Kostenko Miller Moldova Nagorno Karabakh OL Petersburg Polozkova Rosіya Svіtyaz Tymoshenko Turechchina Tyahnibok Umka Chernivtsi Ukraine Julia Gallery Yanukovych Yushchenko I hitchhiking hitchhiking in Pіtєr 2012 hitchhiking in Istanbul - 2012 hitchhiking Caucasus - 2013 Alcoholic announcement bankіvske v'yazannya felting vegetarіanske vesnyane Víbora vishivka vnutrіshnє vіdeo vіrshovane gender clay gіpotetichne dnіpropetrovske domashnє dosvіdchenі vegetarіantsі dіvchache dіti zhittєve zhurnalіzm zaporіzke zafotkane zvіryushki zgadalos Zimova kafeshne kiїvske komunіstichne ابیته cognac kopіpast korisne kohannyachko ابیته Beautiful krіshnaїti Kino lvіvs

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