Last Friday saw you GSTV-reporter VanLeeuwen voice of plankton a sack stone bring toward which life dangerous idiots in the Greenpeace headquarters in Amsterdam-Noord. voice of plankton Vain, because the activists had recorded an ATV-day. Our video ginger went today therefore but weather equally look at which unthinking zeeterroristen. FF check whether voice of plankton they already a new driveway to laying voice of plankton were of the to REPLY NUMBER 11330 1000 PJ AMSTERDAM picked sent bricks. And damn. Heel Holland baksteende Greenpeace this weekend. GSTV struck the poor campagneleidert Tom Grijsen completely out of breath from the hard work. Many as two containers and still more pallets with brick had-pe should already lug. Meanwhile voice of plankton fisherman woman Anja has from Urk 300 mails long brought at the lawyer. To be continued.
So because fishermen in the protected waddenzee voice of plankton illegally fish and the nature really heavy to get fucked help and greenpeace there has done something to, is for geenstijl reason to choose the side of the thieves rig? Wauw. And soon again a message about a shoplifter must be somewhere which caught. I understand that you guys are not a fan of greenpeace, but this is really voice of plankton a retarded standpoint. Which sea is a protected nature. Fagot on with which cunt-cutters. derwilliemeister | 18-05-15 | 17:12
derwilliemeister | 18-05-15 | 17:12 It is not about the Waddenzee but to the Cleaverbank and which lies a kilometer or 160 upstairs Den Helder. This area is not protected voice of plankton but there are quite plans to protect it. Greenpeace attempts outside the legislature to make this area already unusable for fishery. You are allowed of course propagate a standpoint but it is rather nice if you you to the facts keeps instead haphazardly too shout something.
Oh Boehoe of Leeuwen has a petje on. What outer back zeg! Let him soon his tie and suit attract again as it is finally 1950! Let which boy tasty choose his own clothes as which but argues good questions. Lepenseur | 18-05-15 | 5:26 p.m.
Journalism very moderate voice of plankton all. "I have heard that when a boat ever a time was somewhere on the sea in danger and she zeie that it came through the stones." Fak man. Your work is to ask the right questions and therefor read you you a little in. GS wants here apparently HEEL gladly remain make a point of, because hatred to Greenpeace, but do that then please or on the basis of a reasonable cause. jawor36 | 18-05-15 | 5:29 p.m.
derwilliemeister | 18-05-15 | 5:12 p.m. So if I do not agree motoring with you than I may by cut you brake cable to make a point? That is namely what Greenpeace does here. It his nauseating people who think to be allowed put everything in to protect their ideals. This is simply boontje on comes his low salary. I still finds it pity that those fuckers amnesty were given in Russia, from had me they which boat into pieces may sawing and sell and which Greenpeace lamzakken of 30 years in a Russian cell. Agent Milton | 18-05-15 | 5:29 p.m.
"The Cleaverbank is a sandbank in the North Sea in the northwestern part of the Dutch continental shelf, approximately 160 km northwestern from Den Helder. Field covers an surface of more than 1200 km. [1] South of the Dogger Bank adjoins the bank to the UK. The bank mainly consists of gravel and lies 30-40 meters below the ocean surface. The Cleaverbank and similar gravel banks his a remnant of a riverbed which arose when the North Sea was dry. The Cleaverbank is one of the few places in the Dutch part of the North Sea where gravel and concrete and masonry sand to it (soil) surface avoids. voice of plankton De Dutch government wanted to the area than also use for gravel extraction, and started this purpose in 2001 a EIA procedure on. On August voice of plankton 27th 2003 the Ministry of decided Verkeer en Waterstaat to break off these procedure, among other since the possible yield was limited, and because the business community had not much interest for the gravel of the Cleaverbank. According it MER report was a environmentally friendly extraction of the gravel good possible. Environmental organizations however had protested against these gravel extraction. "
So because the yield was limited - and thus no interest !! - Became there no gravel won and now may the cutters there not fish ?! (Van de terror organization Green Peace)? . Goooo Mr. Geert Jan Knoops! voice of plankton Lupus Lupus | 18-05-15 | 17:30
Well thanks but again. Now the Greenpeace colporteurs be even more aggressive at the door than they already voice of plankton were to recoup these costs. They were already downright rude and menacing as you said you no member wanted to be ("has you nothing about for nature????" "If you us not supports can your children will soon nowhere more a forest see! ') But that will thus now do go even worse be. sinar2 | 18-05-15 | 17:40
What politiekcorrectjes, also in this panel but not seem too understand is that their big equal not justifies that she than but take the law into own hand. Komt wel
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