The new cosmology basic premise is that the essence of the infinite cosmos form a uniform and homogeneous background radiation field, as well as billions of years in the cycle of self-renewing completely materialistic.
In an interesting book, "DEEP Simplicity, Chaos, complexity and the origin of life," John Gribbin discusses, among other things, the self-regulatory process of the Earth's climate and its modern understanding. Current perceptions are based on quite advanced English James Lovelock'in "Gaia theories".
These new concepts create the basis for the more general and more diverse nature of self-regulation methods and mechanisms of cosmic understanding. Gribbin discusses rewarding and leads to increased understanding of the star formation processes events in which context he has come, the cosmic cycle of matter and gravity, entropy, as well as mutual interaction and cooperation with regard to the game, to a significant degree the same results and operational spearing management spearing conclusions spearing from what I myself will come. These issues he deals with, in particular his book on pages 250-253. (John Gribbin, "deep simplicity")
Gribbin Paper highlights Lovelock'in Gaia-books nicely justified spearing by algae characteristic of some sulfur compound (the increase in or withdrawal) to obtain the clouds and thus precipitation, reduction or increase, respectively. This depends on how much sunlight the algae will reproduce. Another key factor in the success of algae is how much algae will receive in continental winds in the atmosphere brought by small particles of minerals.
And therefore: algae are "learned" to produce the rain clouds production spearing of suitable sulfur-containing chemical, dimethyl sulfide, which is a gas, which is placed in its appropriate rain clouds vesihöyrypisaroiden condensation. And therefore, when the spread is much, they increase spearing the amount of rain the clouds. spearing In this case, the algae growth begins to slow down, because the sunlight reduction reduces the chlorophyll activity. Conversely, when the spread is less, the increase in solar radiation, spearing which may in turn increase algae, and thus the climate and weather conditions, self-regulation of the earth's weather and maintained by the life forms in a single spearing self-regulation - that is, cybernetic (self-directed, coupled to) activity.
Although this topic is not in itself involve the widest range of the cosmos "galactic self-regulation", it is a good example of how nature really at all levels operate spearing in a very refined and even with unexpected cybernetic mechanisms. Cybernetics - Wikipedia
The work deep simplicity [1] contemplated in the Earth's specialty, that the Earth has been able to maintain approximately the same temperature for up to billions of years of time, even if the sun is still only heated, after having been previously therefore much cooler. spearing This work highlights the opportunities that might be some kind of so-called 'greenhouse gases' self-regulation' would be able to achieve this kind of "preserving" heat and the atmosphere of self-regulation. Figure 1.
As the attentive reader has probably already noticed, I would suggest in the previous blog (8) the alternative (complementary) way of thinking, according to which the Earth would have eventually been located closer to the Sun clearly. Then the Earth would have received solar radiation "enough" in terms of the development of life, even if the radiation would have been a less-efficient Sun 'coolness' due.
I have explained above, therefore, that, as the Moon moves away from Earth as and when the tides slowing down the Earth's rotation and the Earth's gravitation, respectively (differentially) deteriorates, spearing there is a similar development was also to be the Earth relative to the sun. Studies have shown that the rotation takes place in the sun (long-term) retardation and represents a "third cosmology" refurbished aspects, that in this case also the attraction of each piece is correspondingly reduced. And thus also it allows - at least in part - to explain these temperatures, and others spearing climatic factors previously unknown spearing and 'special' self-regulation. It might be worth consideration also explore the solar system, the planets of any previous spearing locations, and the recent impact of the contour spearing elements muuttumisten, inter alia, the asteroid belt events.
When you consider the attached picture 2. the bottom of the "information säilymisfunktiota" as a whole, must become spearing a lead to the conclusion that no individual can kenttäfotoneilla "individuals" have the whole infinite universe of "total information" held by (or unfortunately). Here I want to refer to it (I think) typerähköön anecdotes that if the universe were infinite, so "all spearing creatures, things and events there would be infinite in space infinitely many kert
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