Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Good afternoon! Please help me with fishing in the territory Finlyandlii. About license all clear w

Good afternoon! Please help me with fishing in the territory Finlyandlii. About license all clear where and how much is sold as an action then no questions. But on several capelin sites I found the information that is required in addition to the license fee paid by the public and private provincial license. Who can be anything to write for the state to collect, whether it is necessary or only enough licenses. How to pay for it from Russia and Finland
State fee (it's like the name to the state treasury) + territorial license (provincial or regional) or the permission of the owner of the reservoir (in the co-operative or private reservoirs) http://www.tournet.ru/finland/pecheur.h tm http: //www.finncot.narod.ru/Fishing.htm l http://finnfish.ru/
You should have two pieces of paper: the state is required to collect, and the second may be different if you have only one spinning involved at any one time - the provincial capelin or local license if you have more than one spinning, or trap for fish or other prisposobeniya or you catch in the rapids - the local License and Pay gossbor provincial license can be in any R-kiosk capelin in Finland and on an Internet and local complex. Some possible and through an Internet pay at the thresholds to you for the money may come special person, maybe there is a vending machine for letsenzii stand. It depends on the place.
And yet in some places (mainly in Lapland in the territories of the state forest fund) and on the mobile phone can be paid (3 hours or 1 day) http://www.metsa.fi/sivustot/metsa/fi/E raasiatjaretkeily / Kalastus / virkistyskala stus / Sivut / virkistyskalastuksenkannykkal upa.aspx

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