Friday, April 24, 2015

Fishing for the adult population in most water bodies in Finland is paid. And here are three forms

Administratively, the Republic of Finland is delimited by the province, which includes the municipalities (commune). Three forms of ownership of water resources existing in the country, divided into public, private and public. In the latter include lakes adjacent to the territories of the villages. And then the question dock street brokers of amateur and commercial fishing solves people. In large lakes that are in the public or private ownership, limited only possession pyatisotmetrovoy dock street brokers area along the shore.
In the capital of Finland - Helsinki, decide questions of reproduction of fish fauna scientific organizations. In 1982, the Law on Fisheries, whose meaning is "not to interfere with fishing, if it does not cause damage to fish stocks."
Fishing for the adult population in most water bodies in Finland is paid. And here are three forms of payment (license). State fee of about 20 euros per calendar year, or 7.5 euro per week fishing This license entitles you to fish throughout Finland.
The second form of payment - a provincial license dock street brokers to fish with bait, most often it is spinning or fly fishing. Her purchase entitles you to fish within a given province, using one rod, reel and lure. Permission is granted to use trolling. The cost of the provincial dock street brokers license (approximately): 22-29 euro per year, or 7 euros for a week of fishing.
State fee and the provincial license to fish with bait must be paid before you start fishing. Payment can be made through an ATM, make electronically via computer or regular bank transfer, by filling out the appropriate form. These documents are registered and can not be transferred to another person.
The third type of payment, dock street brokers when fishing in the private or public bodies of water - the purchase of a license from the owner of a particular water body. Sale of such license shall be: local fishing associations, local authorities or private owners. Such licenses are usually purchased dock street brokers for a week, and their value does not exceed 10 euros. Although in some cases, when fishing salmon, trout and other valuable dock street brokers fish species, it can be up to 30 EURO. Furthermore, it can be restricted and the number of harvested fish.
In Finland, permitted and totally free fishing on all reservoirs, provided summer use one float rods from the shore, and in winter - fishing jig. But the Finn never be fishing on a private pond without the permission of the owner. In this case, voluntarily dock street brokers acquire dock street brokers single local license.
There is another feature of Finnish. Finns like whitefish. Fried. But on whitefish fishing rod is not caught, and many fishermen dock street brokers are buying dock street brokers a license to catch whitefish nets on public dock street brokers or state reservoirs. When you purchase a permit document issued dock street brokers fisherman tag, which should be attached to the network.
In addition to recreational fishing in Finland, the development of industrial fishing. Fishers catch fish side by side with ordinary fans. And between them there is no enmity! All quiet get what they want, as far as both sides when purchasing the license dock street brokers contribute to the reproduction of fish resources.
Fishing regulations in Finland are simple dock street brokers and understood by all. They shall prohibit the catch of small valuable fish species (commercial measure for grayling, char, salmon, pike and walleye) and forbidden place and date of catch. dock street brokers Limits dock street brokers on the size of the catch are sometimes installed in private and public reservoirs. Even the Finns are generally perceived as a fishing vacation, and not as a blank fish store. In some reservoirs imposes a ban on catching the biggest fish in order to ensure participation in the spawning of the largest manufacturers. dock street brokers
The list of Finnish fishing bases includes a list of services, starting with the hotel, sauna, dock street brokers restaurant, boat with motor and ending with hooks, lures, etc. This service dock street brokers is not free. For added convenience have to pay administration framework. For the caught fish on the bases do not take money. After all, for it has already paid for when buying a license. Owner of the base will take money from you only for services rendered, which will be listed on the receipt.
It must be concluded that fishing in Finland is a good example for us. In order to keep up with such a small country, we, the Russians will have to experience dock street brokers great difficulties, because for this the Russian people will have to radically change their attitude to each other, to nature and the beloved - fishing.

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