Thursday, September 4, 2014

The male lamprey, an eel-like creature that sucks fish, has a vetknobbel that is warmer when female

Like the peacock feathers are used, sea lamprey attracts females with warm belly -
The male lamprey, an eel-like creature that sucks fish, has a vetknobbel that is warmer when females are nearby. According to a study by Michigan State University. Two lampreys on a fish United States Geological Survey.
The lamprey, in the Netherlands jab is also called, is a parasitic water animal that sucks fish. He has a mouth full of sharp teeth, with which he will suck the fish. Then the prick remains just sit so long until the fish is stripped of all the blood. The lamprey rainwater tanks is a very old beast; There are fossils from 300 million years old, which look exactly like the current animals. rainwater tanks The American scientists looked at with a microscope to the belly of the sea lamprey, a lamp disrupts travel that occurs in the Atlantic Ocean. rainwater tanks They discovered that the lump of fat cells existed. When they saw the lump was as females came close, they began to suspect that the lump is a kind of sexual bait is warmer; males use to attract females rainwater tanks as a peacock feathers rainwater tanks have been used. The research is not only to get over the strange water animal. Know more Lately lamprey common in the Great Lakes of North America, including Lake Michigan. In these areas, the lamprey is a real scourge; local fishing catches increasingly dead fish edited by lampreys are. Therefore, the researchers want to use their results in order to better combat the lamprey; perhaps females may be attracted to a warm belly, only to catch them and to clean up. Also read now Subscribe to the AD!
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