The weekend was all about (gee hard to guess with that title!) Fish! We left Friday morning on a five-hour spawner trip to Lake Diefenbaker in Canada, for the high temperatures driving would make. Still unbearable spawner As we drove east we first came through typical American towns of the Midwest before we drove into the endless spawner fields on the way to the wild Canada! (Or so it seemed right for us from the plane) Not that the southern part of Canada differed from Montana: far field, lots of sun, lots of driving. spawner The American Border Patrol made a problem of all irrelevant things (And I started most Americans just like it!) But oh well, let them chase their imaginary immigrants! spawner It surprised us too, because we did not really feel that we looked like Mexicans or Asians.
But this is still about visweekend and not about immigration States! We arrived around late afternoon on the lake and went all right on board the boats. The area around Lake Diefenbaker is about the same everywhere, a mix of prairie and plain grass with sandy edges of the lake, also all rather hilly. Seems far from the net just one giant wave field. While we continue spawner towards places like 'Dragon's Back' and 'Snake's Bite' course at a good speed, the sun sank slippery road behind the hills of the surrounding golf course.
Fishing here is completely different from fishing in our Belgian country! While you sit back chill around a pool in Belgium and patiently wait for it to float finally goes down, you have to constantly pay attention here on how deep and whether fish are salivate or just your brain is sitting at your bait who thinks that a rocky bottom spawner a fish. The first evening fishing put all the tone for the following days: I caught a walleye (or in Dutch:.'s Terrible 'walleye' Dutch way is by most Americans understand as "Fli-floe-flafla "The spawner positive Alas, it is still useful and fun if people spawner agree not understand! spawner long)) of 31.5 inches! Converted into the more comfortable spawner inches 80 cm. Humble as I am, I love this capture but beginners luck. It cool to the whole fish here is that you must discard almost no fish but you may like to put on the barbecue. They just They just taste way ge-dig! Even Emile intercepted by fish! (Yes, Dad, you heard it right! Emile ate fish! Unfortunately we have this memorable moment spawner not captured on film, otherwise he would surely appear here!)
That night we indeed be able to discuss with family members about various topics and Europe spawner Hawaiian and American perspective on certain things well. There was enough beer so that fed natural philosophical thought of the whole evening! spawner That beer made sure that it was a lot harder spawner to wake up the next morning! The breakfast of American pancakes (which I was hoping the whole time that we would get in the States) already helped a lot. Saturday was finally a hot, tiring but fruitful day today. We sat on the end of the day easily to the permitted limit of fish: so it promised to be a full meal! Thankfully the weather and the water around 12 noon so well adjusted to each other that swimming was a delight! I was slightly tired but satisfied from the water. spawner
The last day of the weekend was (unfortunately for me anyway) not a day on which a person has a lot of luck and almost always new bait should hang because he catches so many fish. His rod Emile else though, it seemed he constantly attracted the fish! We were otherwise spawner be in an area where the previous day you almost could just take from the water. Fish As a result, a huge number boats were held on the following day one, it looked like a state convention! After a brief visit from the police who checked that everyone had his license (Emile who forget him and I was not! It seemed as an inverted world!) I could finally save my face through twice to catch a fish of a reasonable size . But still ... if my meal would have been what I would have caught, but I would have been left! An empty stomach
After again exhausting ride back to Havre a few hours, we were able to enjoy an awful nice evening meal, along with delectable pieces of watermelon! The temperature still remained to seriously sweat throughout the evening but it looks exactly as though soon maybe a little bit of rain will happen here. Until a mediocre storm Hopefully that for much needed cooling where all the States so hard to crave!
The weekend where we enjoyed an awful lot of
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