I leave the water and thirst, sleep on and the memory.
Azul Ruben Dario (excerpt): I n our centralized glad cuartucho ramshackle meetings, las guardaba plaster walls between them and esbozos aquaponics system rasgos of Futures aquaponics system Clays, verses, stanzas enteras escritas in echada letra y Gruesa of our Beloved aquaponics system blue bird . The blue bird was poor GARCIA. Do not fear that llamaba knew well? Ese con nosotros le bautizamos number. Ellos no fue a simple whim. Anyone had excellent wine Muchacho triste. Cuando Cuando todos le preguntábamos WHY reíamos as fools or as chicuelos the arrugaba the frown Heaven and fixedly Mirabent Raso, sonriendo us respond with bitterness ... cierta -Camaradas: habe know that've got a blue bird in the brain, aquaponics system by consiguiente ... Picasso. The ascetic
T cell becomes very calm sea more blue, a blue light that falls at midday: the pines me look ... there are two things that I look at them together makes the heart bigger: the green pine trees, the blue of the sea.
WINTER TREES Sylvia Plath (Translation Montserrat Abelló): aquaponics system
The ink will leave a wet dawn blue dissolves. On the role of drying mist, trees seem a botanical drawing. Memories growing, ring on ring, a series of weddings. They know nothing of abortions or meanness, more faithful than women effortlessly remove them! Tasting the winds, that have no feet, well immersed in history, full of wings, other worldly things. In this are Ledes. O mother of leaves and sweetness Who are these pietas? Shadows of doves sing, but not mitigate anything.
Montserrat Gudiol. Self-Portrait
D Uus the so called blue flower finger torn wash dishes with cold water. Love, do not be put on hand cream and spinach, I promise you. You and me oaths when he will not let you go back and look're aquaponics system faced ass and back with the other pedestrians.
I agreed too thick H silencing Sometimes I paint-open-wide in the writings of color to go into the clear light of the books we see it. We imitated immense sea of fallow nesting birds and kept painted blue.
We maybe too quiet. We have seen prune brancons. All the memories that we carried in the heart of the pockets have vanished forever, like autumn leaves. In the aftermath of goods believing escatimats again sailed to the island of Crete.
What have you done or intend to actually aquaponics system get to take the drug is only be as happy drinking a glass of milk. Then close the window shutters card and you will be all blue. (M'enfilaré first a stool to reach the rope which hangs the blue doll Klee.) aquaponics system Dare not do absolutely nothing but still, look inside him the secret aquaponics system of the word blue. Yves Klein. Alfredo Volpi anthropometry. Mermaid
D Uelen tantas things, tantas! FOR PRESENTATION, por ejemplo, embadurnadas of saffron, which imprison espejos hastiados contours of ambiguity and agonizing. How ellos gaze up at the intangible alarga volume of nonexistence, look up How encogen and echoes them up abalanzan, formando dotted and guttural Reflections of the image; gaze did not like the punishment dystrophy, not exhibe but Muerde, and is apuñala Spill in the shreds of life siguiendo hilo de las Canas y los arrugados silent on them muslos los viejos. aquaponics system Gaze that is extraños colors disfrazan crystals in them repartirse them spoils of a world sounded. Oh, Quién pudiera contemplarse in espejos desiertos aquaponics system and was only so long as those sueñan las ondas atraviesan, Rozana, hexagonean ... and be dispersed.
and an angel will come and entreobrirà doors,
I appreciate your words, Anna. As I said the Cavaliere, I pipe I enjoy doing this kind of pairings (Lend catches
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