06/26/2011 the shallows After fifteen years releasing texts ensures that surprised about the low cost of the units considering the effort invested. Believes that the Galician est being harassed and reduced to a kind of ghetto in favor of positions in monolinges casteln sublia and those who are actually readers never renounced work on paper
06/26/2011 Arrange to schedule for this unique the shallows and special summer in which to enjoy the sun, the beach, walking free and eating the shallows ice cream. Grdalle an opening reading and creativity to power. Editorial Galaxia prepared for you a whole bunch of excellent the shallows proposals
06/26/2011 The coruesa became the shallows the first Galician Gaara Project the shallows Demo. Apiase impoente a voice and doggie different, full of folk and pop a leading brand of great. Plans to launch in the next autumn his first album length, a predecessor p which can be downloaded from the web sapxina.
06/26/2011 Saga TV presents on Tuesday, the 28th at the Teatro Principal de Compostela long the suitcase sofa where reconstrea corresponding trajectory of the first Galician the shallows war. Directed by Marcos Gallego, the film starring Margarita est Gonzlez and collects witness of Ramna Villares and Margarita Ledo
06/26/2011 The room Herculean opened this week that includes a exposicin through about a hundred photographs, the extensive work of the American fotgrafa. The assembly comes through town coruesa, first to Spain, after a long-haul international
06/26/2011 One of the year, to the armored Kabul will yield the transition to a different and groundbreaking vehculo: monopatns the hundreds of boys, dressed in traditional the shallows clothing AFG, go with speed and laughter before burkas and transentes speechless
06/26/2011 Why eat cherries? Grateful to see it visually, not least that transmits its interior. Having a cherry home value for the whole year, from the intestinal trnsito skin, the body knows to capitalize about cherries nutritional and culinary possibilities they offer range from simple transportation the shallows to the most demanding s desserts the shallows
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