Wednesday, October 30, 2013

So far the jury is out. The burden of proof is on the main shareholder the Government side. Until f

Industry Minister Trond Giske has previously sworn that the Government's objective of realizing Cermaq is solely to maximize value. He should not have had any other agenda than to inflate shareholder value, and provide the State the largest possible financial gain. It is not obvious that such a case.
In this equation, there is still a lot to prove. Marine Harvest (MHG) written bids on the Cermaq was priced at 104-105 dollars per share (depending on the day MHG-decreasing salinity definition one assumed for the calculation). MHG will also have agreed to extend to 112 million per Cermaq share, but this was rejected by the State.
State and Giske was obviously so sure that Cermaq was worth more than 112 per share (total 10.4 billion) that Giske bought me just over a half billion of taxpayers' money to buy up to just over 59 percent ownership in the integrated feed - and farming company.
The present bid for eWOS of 6.2 billion do not differ significantly from what MHG priced feed divisions in its bid. About eWOS award ends NOK 100 million to or from, nor is it essential. salinity definition It hardly changes the big picture and ultimately answer underlined twice.
It is essential for the underlying value of Cermaq's salinity definition pricing of farming division Mainstream. It has not yet been made public any bid, although several interested parties salinity definition have signed up. Equity analysts' assessments of the underlying value of the Mainstream is also highly variable. This particularly applies to the valuation of Mainstream primary, salinity definition which is farmed Atlantic salmon, trout and coho in Chile, as well as farming operations salinity definition in British Columbia, Canada. salinity definition
The last part, Mainstream Norway, it is not that great uncertainty. There is plenty of payment skilled lovers who can pay full price for salmon, facilities and concessions - either in one fell swoop or piecemeal. Farming activities in the vicinity of Mainstream Norway, respectively Nordland and Finnmark, has been frequently traded in recent salinity definition years, and the establishment of a transparent level for both fish and fishing licenses.
So far, the share price of Cermaq only occasionally moved close to the level (108 million) as the state bought 14.46 million shares. When the Oslo Stock Exchange closed Tuesday afternoon Cermaq were last traded at 107.50 dollars. Government cost of its total portfolio of 54.7 million Cermaq shares have naturally also increased as a consequence of the recent stock trading for over one and a half billion. salinity definition It increases the list in terms of securing a settlement that is obviously better than Marine Harvest has previously given.
So far the jury is out. The burden of proof is on the main shareholder the Government side. Until further speculate industry minister of public funds. Published 18:49 o'clock, on the 16th July 2013. Updated at 9:17, 17 July 2013 Post navigation Minimal sale of salmon salinity definition biomass appreciates relative to last year

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