Japan's disaster, as my arguments in the way, "Strong-meinungen.de
Just changed my attitude to the question of how to deal with nuclear energy in Germany. Even at the Chernobyl disaster, the shock at the images from there was immeasurable. As a weak consolation could convince themselves that all this was impossible in Germany. Unlike the Soviet Union had our safety standards, our technical quality was far better. This weak consolation worked three decades.
It is common trawler photos ground that Germany's nuclear power plants are well equipped to very good and represent an extraordinary quality safeguards. Apparently trawler photos the argument is correct, the probability of a super-meltdown is only mathematically, ie extremely low in our region.
My hope was that the likelihood of this happening will go towards zero. It is replaced by the realization that when something trawler photos does happen because, catastrophe strikes with one hundred percent. In Japan, all over the world, including in Germany.
The consequences trawler photos for man and nature are obvious. trawler photos For generations and generations. The balance of economic necessity on the one hand and the threat to humanity on the other hand will have to readdress after the Japanese disaster. To call this, you have to be a Green.
The exit from the exit, the black and yellow has decided to appear under the light of fear and suffering from Asia as doubtful. What is worse: trawler photos one or two percent less growth or the final destruction of nature and the murderous trawler photos threat to humans by nuclear radiation?
Tokyo is not Moscow. Fukushima is not Chernobyl. Japan is comparable to the level of demand and technical progress with Germany. After the memorial to the victims of the economic and environmental dimension must be openly discussed and disputed. We owe it to ourselves and our children.
Thanks, too little is heard, a reality that shakes the own opinion. Life is the guillotine of truths (Davila) - too often people trawler photos run without head with the ensign of their truths through the country. trawler photos
Mr. Friedmann properly. . It remains the FACT that nuclear energy trawler photos can not be controlled. Neither directly - still in the waste. Fact. This does not mean that I 'left red green' energy policy for properly consider. But there are indeed alternatives to nuclear trawler photos energy. And 'Grünlinksrot'. I mean. . I mean that a nuclear, natural gas and oil lobby, with corrupted politics, including the Greens, is not interested in genuine alternatives. The energy from wind turbines and the like Quark. If the nuclear waste is so dangerous, trawler photos they should store the waste but in Berlin-Dahlem or Chausse trawler photos on the Elbe in Hamburg. . The future will probably include more nuclear fusion. Maybe we were there so long ago - in the future - in a more responsible policy. I mean. . From SPON: Nuclear fusion is to allow, from one liter of sea water as much energy gain as a liter of oil or kilograms of coal. This formula, which was summoned even with the signing of the ITER contracts again in Paris, sums up the dream of nuclear fusion trawler photos - although mathematically highly inaccurate: Clean Energy galore, from a raw material which is practically infinitely available. . Nuclear fusion mimics the processes occurring in the solar conversion process by the hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium are fused into helium releasing large amounts of energy. Deuterium is contained in a small proportion of ordinary water, tritium itself generates the reactor trawler photos is about sand. One gram of fuel in a power plant could generate 90,000 kilowatt hours of energy, according to the parties to the ITER Max Planck Instuituts for Plasma Physics (IPP) - the heat of combustion of eleven tons of coal. It is derived and used in turbines to generate electricity.
And a shame that it needs These kinds realities to come to the realization. Do not get me wrong, I'm very pragmatic basically. We all need and want power, not overpriced as possible. And there were no alternatives, we would have to live with the risk. But alternatives, and conceals the CDU like the cliques with the nuclear lobby are rather hushed, like this one: Even http://www.ardmediathek.de/ard.....Id=5429234 alternative energy will be a growth market. trawler photos But only if we move forward. Mrs. Merkel, so it may be estimated by you also, especially in these times of crisis shows clearly with their procrastination in Libya - Question and comments on Japan that it is out of place in their job. I hope Ehrli
Just changed my attitude to the question of how to deal with nuclear energy in Germany. Even at the Chernobyl disaster, the shock at the images from there was immeasurable. As a weak consolation could convince themselves that all this was impossible in Germany. Unlike the Soviet Union had our safety standards, our technical quality was far better. This weak consolation worked three decades.
It is common trawler photos ground that Germany's nuclear power plants are well equipped to very good and represent an extraordinary quality safeguards. Apparently trawler photos the argument is correct, the probability of a super-meltdown is only mathematically, ie extremely low in our region.
My hope was that the likelihood of this happening will go towards zero. It is replaced by the realization that when something trawler photos does happen because, catastrophe strikes with one hundred percent. In Japan, all over the world, including in Germany.
The consequences trawler photos for man and nature are obvious. trawler photos For generations and generations. The balance of economic necessity on the one hand and the threat to humanity on the other hand will have to readdress after the Japanese disaster. To call this, you have to be a Green.
The exit from the exit, the black and yellow has decided to appear under the light of fear and suffering from Asia as doubtful. What is worse: trawler photos one or two percent less growth or the final destruction of nature and the murderous trawler photos threat to humans by nuclear radiation?
Tokyo is not Moscow. Fukushima is not Chernobyl. Japan is comparable to the level of demand and technical progress with Germany. After the memorial to the victims of the economic and environmental dimension must be openly discussed and disputed. We owe it to ourselves and our children.
Thanks, too little is heard, a reality that shakes the own opinion. Life is the guillotine of truths (Davila) - too often people trawler photos run without head with the ensign of their truths through the country. trawler photos
Mr. Friedmann properly. . It remains the FACT that nuclear energy trawler photos can not be controlled. Neither directly - still in the waste. Fact. This does not mean that I 'left red green' energy policy for properly consider. But there are indeed alternatives to nuclear trawler photos energy. And 'Grünlinksrot'. I mean. . I mean that a nuclear, natural gas and oil lobby, with corrupted politics, including the Greens, is not interested in genuine alternatives. The energy from wind turbines and the like Quark. If the nuclear waste is so dangerous, trawler photos they should store the waste but in Berlin-Dahlem or Chausse trawler photos on the Elbe in Hamburg. . The future will probably include more nuclear fusion. Maybe we were there so long ago - in the future - in a more responsible policy. I mean. . From SPON: Nuclear fusion is to allow, from one liter of sea water as much energy gain as a liter of oil or kilograms of coal. This formula, which was summoned even with the signing of the ITER contracts again in Paris, sums up the dream of nuclear fusion trawler photos - although mathematically highly inaccurate: Clean Energy galore, from a raw material which is practically infinitely available. . Nuclear fusion mimics the processes occurring in the solar conversion process by the hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium are fused into helium releasing large amounts of energy. Deuterium is contained in a small proportion of ordinary water, tritium itself generates the reactor trawler photos is about sand. One gram of fuel in a power plant could generate 90,000 kilowatt hours of energy, according to the parties to the ITER Max Planck Instuituts for Plasma Physics (IPP) - the heat of combustion of eleven tons of coal. It is derived and used in turbines to generate electricity.
And a shame that it needs These kinds realities to come to the realization. Do not get me wrong, I'm very pragmatic basically. We all need and want power, not overpriced as possible. And there were no alternatives, we would have to live with the risk. But alternatives, and conceals the CDU like the cliques with the nuclear lobby are rather hushed, like this one: Even http://www.ardmediathek.de/ard.....Id=5429234 alternative energy will be a growth market. trawler photos But only if we move forward. Mrs. Merkel, so it may be estimated by you also, especially in these times of crisis shows clearly with their procrastination in Libya - Question and comments on Japan that it is out of place in their job. I hope Ehrli
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