Saturday, April 25, 2015

2014 (3) December (2) January (1) 2013 (8) December (2) November (1) June (1) April

Leaving on a fishing trip to Finland? Before ready to leave, it is necessary to read the rules of the Finnish fishing, because their violation entails algue quite serious and unpleasant consequences. fishing rules in Finland without a license in Finland you can fish on the government and public bodies of water in the summer - on the float rod (rod must not be fitted with a coil for long casting and at the end of the fishing line should be no artificial algue means: spinners, flies, etc. ), in the winter - and jig jigging. When fishing in any other way (spinning, fly fishing, network wiring, etc., etc.), you must pay the fishing tax, t. E. To buy a license. For fishing bait - fishing with spinning or trolling with one rod - you must pay the state fee for the restoration of fish resources, as well as fees for fishing lure or permission of the owner of the pond. This type of fishing is free up to 18 years and the age of 65. Fishing is limited by the fact that it is forbidden to make fishing, including whitefish and salmon in the river rapids algue and waterfalls, as well as in those waters where fishing is prohibited under any laws or regulations. Resolution Resolution owner of the water sold at prices set by the region of fishing, fishing commune, commune administration, privately or, for example, the General Directorate of Forestry algue fishing lure or other types of fishing and catching crabs. Please note that for catching the usual network license is not enough - you need to pay more and a special permit and registration network. Ă…land and private algue pools are not subject to these laws: it also requires the purchase of a license, but its cost and duration may differ significantly from the standard state (for example, on the lake. Stortryask can buy the license duration of one day). The size of the fish caught algue there are also some limitations algue too small young fish ordered algue to release: sea trout (trout) - up to 60 cm; sea trout - 40 cm; brown trout, lake trout - 40 cm; char - up to 40 cm; Walleye - up to 37 cm; grayling - up to 30 cm. ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
2014 (3) December (2) January (1) 2013 (8) December (2) November (1) June (1) April (1) February (1) January (2) fishing rules in Finland Toys for Kids - Moxie dolls, toy Pistol ... 2012 (2) May (1) April (1) 2011 (2) December (1) February (1) 2010 ( 15) October (8) September (7)

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