Saturday, October 11, 2014

It became clear that we had no radio, and Furs - had. Hypermarkets that have not changed anything.

Belarusians will! "Victor Martinovich: Ode Bazaar
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I remember like 8 years ago, a distinguished philosopher Vladimir Fours arranged a debate on the Belarusian publicity and it is almost completely rolled down to discuss the newly opened hypermarket "Crown". Sociology, cultural and medyyakrytykam seemed that hypermarkets will give birth to a new kind of citizen that consumption practices in large enclosed spaces with artificial air-conditioning and light vesternizuyuts Minsker. Everybody is excited quoted Badryyara, Zizka and other critics of capitalism, finding in their words are signs that it is a full-fledged capitalism, with its competition, and the cult of money, everything will change completely. Belarusians will cease to be "scoops" and become a nation, not worse Lithuanians or Poles. After all, capitalism is usually best brother nationalism (worth about this bet separately). The upshot was that pissed Furs just banned intellectual use the word "Crown": he was wiser than us and knew at once that nothing of the global culture of consumption does not transform.
As time passed, all totally changed. All of the "office" Minskers went into hyper. In the bazaar forgot - there is noisy, incoherent, michigan fishing report there screaming and violence, there is questionable quality of the meat. Died Furs, of blessed memory. We are left with the "Crown", "space", "Hippo" or even "convenience stores", in which the seller is organized in accordance with all rules zaalagizmam merchandise (ie, to get into the dairy section, an animal-consumer must wander considerably in the basement of the wine and vodka, rubbing michigan fishing report in vegetables and then of small souvenirs to see the "milk").
It became clear that we had no radio, and Furs - had. Hypermarkets that have not changed anything. After shopyatstsa there about the same people that bought in the markets. michigan fishing report The only thing that they have become more lonely: no one bothers them sit in smartphones, if they like those zombies will move on the trading floor in search of a mixture of shrimp tempura.
Meanwhile, I made a choice. Which may yet not obvious to others. After all, the tramp is always ahead of the crowd - good citizens yet to comprehend that Sulawesi cheaper Bali and tramp already lived in Sulawesi in the hut made of palm leaves for 2 years, where I met with all the magicians and leaves, so Sulawesi is not the same! Went up, dog!
Secondly, in the market almost michigan fishing report no one. All Rushed into hyper. Koldyr who hanged himself for a penny savings dumplings, now jostle for promotions in shops. 7 years ago "hypermarket" was for their dirty word. Now they are like those burgers, loaded into Moloch their American sedans to moan dampers on rams, above the waterline - and so until next weekend until purchased does not rot and they are not ripe until the new hysterical plaque to a new stampede at the boxes of thawed Ecuadorian bananas. After all - it's basically - in hyper really cheaper. The advantage of large wholesale trade.
The time will come, and they will realize that they are being deceived. Of course, they will not read Badryyara and Zizka, they will never know about the terms "patranomika" and "merchandise". But it will feel the skin begin to talk about the hype for their kaldyrski tables "at a party." In the meantime, in principle, that the markets became possible to walk. Markets michigan fishing report are now - like the Vilnius summer, when it left all of the Lithuanians.
Thirdly, the market - this is not a space for zombies. Bazaar awakens! Here you (and it's so archaic!) Everyone is trying to cheat. There are encountered scammers who will be glad to sell you in the crowd of the stolen mobile. Here you need to look carefully at the scales when weighing aunt tomatoes. Here it is necessary to transfer the money, because they can not fight back. All this is impossible in the hyper - space of consumer safety and gloomy. In today's hyper every step you take is monitored by surveillance cameras, security ensures michigan fishing report your comfort with walkie-talkies. Here replace the product - even if you have not kept a check, but remember, in which the box office has paid card. Good conditions for consumer dreamy sleep for hypnosis, which distributes a large bargaining.
Fifth, have you ever seen something in advertising, "Lamb uncle Rustem. Halal. 120 thousand. Per kilo. Komarovka michigan fishing report Pavilion Room 2669 "? No, I have not seen? Just do not see! Because michigan fishing report such advertising is not. A halal lamb, by the way, is - and lamb, and not only at Uncle Rustem. Komarovka not stand the brain is not programmed to buy a trellis for cars in three pieces for 40 thousand., And for that I respect her.
Sixth, the market has it all. Literally everything! It is such a magical place, like the kiosk in which the characters "Chapaev and emptiness" to buy authentic Japanese sake in the dark 1990. I was petrified when I saw in the Indian shop on the other

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