Saturday, May 31, 2014

From a geological point of view the situation from the usual mud, according to assistant professor

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In the summer of 2003 pensions were filled with guests. Some came with their children, some of lovers, one himself. This is evidenced by the inscription on the trees that vykarbovuvaly tourists. But from this idyllic village in Yalta on the Azov Sea have nothing left except the bare table, broken windows and fishing gear. Reason - eight years the sea was covered with mud.
This story has no specific terms of reference. Mule - a collection of the "human factor" in various spheres of life. The main reason - the poachers (ie local residents who do not comply with the legislation for a number of subjective and objective reasons).
Fishing here - core earnings in second place - tourism (seasonal), no other areas of employment here. Because fishing gear were placed around the coast. This created a kind of wall through which water could be filtered and cleaned. Initially, local authorities shut eye. Then do something about it has been impossible. Only after two years as the president signed a decree establishing a National Wildlife Refuge "Meotida" (near the coast), arrange tackle banned. Subsequently, water was gradually cleaned, but it still does not solve the problem of Yalta. Il just covers part of the coast towns, sometimes up to 50 meters. People live in front of the defeated camp sites, including debris and dirt. Recall the theory of broken windows in Yalta probably already too late - most of them have been broken.
The second cause of sludge - is, according to locals, Mariupol port that has emissions into the sea near Yalta. Port of blame in the fact that the "Ukrainian part of the sea" (actually sea has no borders - which means that its natural wealth does not belong to anyone) went to fish. Fishermen are now forced to swim to the shores of Russia (which is perfectly legal, except that they can not stick to the coast). However, in both Port refute allegations and say they are in support of all required documents.
The third reason is called improper fusion of land. Instead, they grow along the roads, they normally gives the growth. Because occurring avalanches and landslides, and most importantly - the rivers that flow into the sea, just covered and overgrown with reeds mloyu.
Next on the list of reasons - "illegal" (as per this law in place to do this was impossible, but local authorities still gave "consent") building on a spit Bilosarayska residential complex, which now makes it impossible to clean water. Just - the destruction of mounds, built new homes where local elites.
From a geological point of view the situation from the usual mud, according to assistant professor of technology and engineering exploration work and geological faculty Hearne DNTU Vladislav Rusanov. "It is a natural process of the geological point of view. More milishaye more. As someone who has several bassresource years of experience in marine geology, I can say, in the Sea of Azov is current, spun counterclockwise. It creates bassresource the Don and Kuban, flowing into the sea, and swirl the water in it. Over the past fifty years, perhaps, the total cost of water in these rivers greatly reduced due to the disassembly of water per irrigation in their valleys. Roughly speaking, if the nineteenth bassresource century bassresource precipitated fell mostly sand and some silt, now the percentage of silt particles in total osadonakopychennya increased several times. Of course there are other factors, but that - is significant. By the way, in the Gulf of problems are very similar. Adjusted bassresource for differences in latitude, "- he said. So look for the culprit bassresource in this situation is difficult - end hidden in the water.
But the interesting fact is that the salvation of Yalta recently announced by local authorities. The office of mayor even hanging pictures sludge with a "problem number one." When that situation is stalemate bassresource for eight years, and mayor in office bassresource eleven. Thus, it is easy to conclude that this situation led and his actions during the first years merstva.
The lack of control on the part of residents (control power), and by the government (public control bassresource of illegal activities) bassresource led to the fact that all were empty fishing trough, and with them were injured and all those who rested on the Azov

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