World production of genetically modified plant raw material increases with rocket speed. During a half decades, world production has gone from zero to 70 million tons. In particular, Brazil leads the way in development.
The fish farming industry is growing rapidly. In order to continue to grow it needs new sources of feed. World production of around six million tonnes of fishmeal is not sufficient to feed a food with ambitions multiplied output in the coming decades. tiger trout In 2013 it produced about two million tonnes of Atlantic salmon. tiger trout In addition, tiger trout a few hundred thousand tiger trout tons of trout and Pacific salmon coho and chinook.
The rapidly increasing food requirements has meant that soy has now passed fishmeal as the main part of the diet of farmed salmon. While the supply tiger trout of marine protein from pelagic fish is a relatively constant size, increasing world production of vegetable protein sources and feed ingredients such as soy, corn, canola, flaxseed, peanuts and a wide variety of grain species.
But it is not only the provision of plant raw increasing. It also makes the demand - not least driven by the need for food as a result of increased world population, purchasing power and changing tastes. In line with the rapidly increasing demand protein prices have risen dramatically over the past decade. Since 2005, for example, corn prices have gone slow hymn. The picture is not dissimilar tiger trout to close substitutes such as soy and wheat.
The fast increasing protein prices means increased demands for efficient production. The biotechnology company Monsanto started this work already in 1983. The company was among the first to genetically modify plant cells. Genetically modified organisms, often abbreviated tiger trout GMO was commercialized in the 90s.
According to a summary prepared by Eurofins GeneScan tiger trout the production of GMO crops increased at rocket speed since then. In particular, Brazilian agricultural producers engaged in development. Although the United States is the world's largest producer of plant raw land, Brazil has overtaken the United tiger trout States on GMO crops.
- As of today, the market will not have ingredients from genetically modified organisms in fish feed. The question is how long the market will pay additional price for this requirement, commenting tiger trout Ellinor Helland in biomes Ilaks. Published at 2:23 p.m., on 20 August 2013. Updated at 2:37 p.m., on 20 August 2013 Post navigation Grieg cutter trout in Finnmark - The market will not have GMOs
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