Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Do not Miss: Keeping the Reproductive Health of Yogyakarta

Do not Miss: Keeping the Reproductive Health of Yogyakarta's Unique Bike Right Time to Conduct the Activity Centre Malaria attack anyone How to Educate Children (Child Parenting)
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Caring for Goldfish by Chef Ghazali Iffredista Kareem on Monday, May 27th, 2013. Caring for Goldfish Print Email Caring Chefs Chef Goldfish (27/05). Animals are one of God's creation of living creatures that deserve to be loved. Most of the people like animals and happy to keep him at home. There are like cats, dogs and so forth. And also there are like animal that lives in water, so that the medium used to maintain detritus the aquarium. In addition to [...]
Caring for Goldfish chef (27/05). Animals are one of God's creation of living creatures that deserve detritus to be loved. Most of the people like animals and happy to keep him at home. There are like cats, dogs and so forth. And also there are like animal that lives in water, so that the medium used to maintain the aquarium. In addition to the shape of small fish, tiny and beautiful color, detritus as well as a nicely decorated tank can be used as a room decoration. One example of a fish that is an option for decorating the home aquarium was a goldfish. For new fans, it is very important to know how to take care so that the fish can survive detritus longer and can customize a new aquarium environment. Goldfish come from China. Goldfish is a fish that looks fat, bright color looks pretty even charming. There are several types of carp, the goldfish usual, Tosca, pearls and Oranda, For maintenance, the first step you need to do is pay attention to the water to be used in place goldfish aquarium life. Before you put goldfish in the tank, the water in the tank should detritus be in endapkan first. Then look at how to incorporate a goldfish in an aquarium. If any do, goldfish can be stressful and then die. If the goldfish are purchased in plastic before detritus putting it in the aquarium should put a goldfish detritus who is still in the plastic bag above the water surface. This is done so that the temperature of goldfish can be used to adjust the water temperature within the aquarium. In addition, if the tank is a large tank that is used, then the use of a suction hose dirt, blowers and filters are also very necessary. This tool greatly serves to maintain air circulation and also maintain the cleanliness of the water in the aquarium. Goldfish are voracious fish and always eat all the food there. Thus the owner should regulate how much food is given. Do not give too much food to goldfish because if overfed goldfish fish will quickly die. In fact according to research getting slimmer goldfish too long then the age of the fish. Good fish feed is feed that contains a lot of protein. The protein content is widely available on the silk worm. Therefore, better fed goldfish silk worms in order to be healthy, but if you want a more practical, giving pellets that are sold in stores are also not a problem.
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Perfect is not always beautiful, I think. Indeed fundy national park in this life is perfect? Perfe

What they will forever be a perfect matching pair? So, what if you are perfect with imperfect with this? Are beauty and popularity is a measure that is so vital? Alternatively, beauty and greatness is absolute?
Perfect is not always beautiful, I think. Indeed fundy national park in this life is perfect? Perfect fundy national park and perfect I think it makes it look monotonous. Ordinary. Not interesting. What to include when both were perfect? fundy national park
Then, if the Bebekburuk such as me like the mighty eagle, what would happen? What is not what is unclean if I like it? Is the Mighty Eagle will love this ugly one? Is that possible?
Eagle always flew high, clawing fundy national park the sky. What he had stopped, not even turned on by the ugly duck pond like, what he had? He was too tall, imperious, blinded by fog. Maybe the Eagles do have to look for someone who is on top, with him. Someone who is perfect, it seems.
So what happened fundy national park to the duck? When a small goldfish pond where occupants are always sad, secretly watched. Come harbored feelings like that duck did. What the duck would not be looking at that little goldfish because he was under the Duck? What an ugly duck was too high for the goldfish to be loved?
No, the goldfish did not want his love hidden. At least the Ducks should know that he loves her. Notify the Ducks do not have to have a sense of love. So he Goldfish expressed his feelings at that time also, the duck which is sad as usual.
The ugly duck long pause. A second later, she immediately ran to the Eagles who are away on it. The ugly duck should also tell the eagle, that she used to love. So do not dare even love to just mention his name. Eagle too perfect fundy national park to be spotted by an ugly duck looks like.
But too late, his heart has already turned to the goldfish. Goldfish do not consider the poor, who consider it nothing bad, except himself. Instead you should be grateful even if it's the worst? He was wrong all along. Foolishly, he realized this minute. How suitable the duck ridiculed. The really bad.
The Eagle, flying full speed towards the duck. The duck was very surprised fundy national park and tried to run, but he just fell. Apparently, this is the end of the story the ugly duck. In fed by him, which he loved since beratahun years ago.
Three minutes later, he was still lying on the grass. Evening breeze made the grass sway around him tickle. The ugly duck slowly opened his eyes and saw the eagle fly over it, together with goldfish.
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Monday, December 30, 2013

Research Centers ... Links of interest ... plus several useful to explain what is our current Mexic

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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Azi dimineaţă eram la volan când l-am auzit la radio pe Crin asumându-şi prostia cu Codul Penal şi r

Azi dimineaţă eram la volan când l-am auzit la radio pe Crin asumându-şi prostia cu Codul Penal şi recunoscând greşeala. Crin tot n-a înţeles clar, dar nu mai contează. Mi-am dat seama că s-a terminat. Că după două zile în care am crezut că peste România se va aşterne iar negura Istoriei, de fapt noi toţi am fost capabili să facem lumină.
Este admirabil modul în care întreaga societate românească s-a coalizat pentru blocarea enormității votate cu largă majoritate de Parlamentul României. O democrație nu stă în legile în vigoare ci în aplicarea lor, în practica bună a unor reguli de respect social, în imposibilitatea de facto de a răsturna voința societății. Dezincriminarea corupției prin ceea ce s-a numit marțea neagră a democrației românești a ilustrat perfect proverbul Ceea ce nu te omoară, te face mai puternic. Da! Eşuarea aceastei grave încercări de amputare a democrației prin legalizarea hoției de nivel înalt a demonstrat clar că țara mea este o democrație. Că nici măcar Parlamentul, cel care teoretic reprezintă voința poporului nu se poate întoarce împotriva acestuia. aquaculture Și dacă un astfel de paradox devenise realitate prin introducerea unor legi antisociale, de data asta n-au mai cârcotit trei pârliți de jurnaliști ci o țară întreagă a spus NU. Până și Curtea Supremă s-a simțit datoare să atace imediat la Curtea Constituțională superimunitatea parlamentarilor și primarilor pentru actele de corupție. aquaculture
Ei bine, da, aceasta este o democrație care se apără prin propriile mecanisme de protecție. aquaculture Desigur, într-o democrație matură, parlamentarii care au votat dezincriminarea coruției ar trebui să demisioneze, într-o democrație stăpână pe ea, Ponta n-ar mai certa ambasada SUA că n-a înțeles, iar ministrul de externe nu s-ar mai ofensa că nu mai vorbește aquaculture nimeni cu guvernul din care face el parte, ci direct cu opinia publică prin intermediul presei. Și americanii și englezii și europenii se adresează aquaculture acum publicului din România pentru că o autoritate care încearcă să justifice acte antisociale se delegitimează. Un Parlament care își pune singur eticheta de hoț nu mai este un interlocutor și nici guvernul pe care acesta îl susține nu mai este. Ar fi deja prea mult să vă spun că mă aștept să demisioneze cineva. Nu, nu sunt atât de naiv. Nici de la inexistenta aquaculture opoziție sau de la parlamentarii onești care n-au votat dezincriminarea corupției nu mă aștept să plece, deși așa ar fi normal… Când tu ești curat într-o cameră în care miroase urât pleci, aquaculture ieși, fugi de acolo… Iar acum Camera Deputaților pute! Dar nu mai contează. Important pentru mine ca om, ca cetăţean al acestei ţări, este că după două zile în care am avut sentimentul că noi ca țară suntem pe marginea prăpastiei, după două zile în care m-am întrebat ce mai caut eu aici, în țara mea, am aflat un răspuns simplu pe care de fapt îl știam. Aici este locul meu și al tău și al fiecăruia dintre noi, toți cei ce credem, cei care știm sau cei care vom reuși să aflăm vreodată că țara noastră este așa cum noi înșine o facem. În aceste două zile tot noi, prin aleşii noştri, am fost pe cale să o dărâmăm, dar ne-am dovedit că suntem capabili să o și salvăm.
este putin probabil ca cineva aflat la putere in aceste monente aquaculture sa vrea sa faca, cu adevarat, ceva pentru tara si pentru popotul acestuia. iar daca exita totusi un astfel de deziderat, cu siguratnta aquaculture este secundat interesului aquaculture personal Decembrie 21, 2013 la ora 19:19 Răspunde
ciocoii coruptii ne fura ne umilesc de distrung si cat se poate de rabdat atata nelegiuire mancaiar iadul sa i manace pe bogatasii cu averi ilicite pe functionarii de rang inalt acoperiti de lgi corupte pe toti ce care sug sange si sudoare din Cetatenii simpli. Decembrie 18, 2013 la ora 11:02 Răspunde
Eu inca nu am aflat. Pentru ca am zis ca astia nu se vor potoli pana nu dau legea amnistiei si pana nu scapa de dna si ani in noul cod. Voiculescu, Dragnea, Fenechiu, Nastase, pun probabil presiune, la fel ca si toti primarii si cj, si cam toti smenarii din tara asta cu vreun job in stat. Sper sa intre toti de mai sus la parnaie, sa scape sapunul si sa intre si Videanu, Berceanu, Basescu, Oprea, ca si toti baietii destepti precum si regii asfaltului care dau X5-uri si Q7 amantelor si fiilor de 18 ani. Dar, repet astia nu se vor potoli pana nu iesim in strada sa ii umplem de sange. Pe toti politicienii. Decembrie 17, 2013 la ora 15:01 Răspunde
ai uitat sa i bagi in lista pe patriciu vantu salam voiculescu tiriac iliescovici …dar sa stii ca e utopie ce scrii cu toate ca mie imi place cred ca base nu e mare dusman dar iarasi poate ma insel in rest hokey ! picioarele de inmuiat in sanguinul lor. Decembrie 17, 2013 la ora 16:37 Răspunde
Well, ICCJul si DNAul au inceput aquaculture bine cu Nastase, Fenechiu, Becali,si nu vad de ce nu pot continua cu restul de pe lista. Ah, corect l-am uitat pe Iliescu, dar asta ar trebuie bagat pt genocid la revolutie si mineriade, si impuscat aquaculture , iar glontul sa il plateasca Nina s

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Like many others, in 2009, I fell in the bathroom Android. In recent years, I have acquired a prett

recruiting! seaweeds
Google TV
While the latest version had been seen in mid-November, we were so far no news from the official date of deployment of the stable version of Android 4.3 on the Samsung Galaxy Note 2. In a tweet from Sahm Dali, we learn that Samsung have started to deploy the update to Android 4.3 on the Galaxy Note 2 French.
Currently equipped with the first branch of Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean, the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (GT-i7000) unlocked now receive the updated Android 4.3 via Samsung Kies. If you want to receive, you will be prompted to download the Kies software. Once Kies installed, simply connect your Galaxy Note 2 USB and sync to perform the software update.
Some of the new Android 4.3 on the Galaxy Note 2: Adds support for the Galaxy Gear Adds support seaweeds TRIM (makes the mobile much faster navigation) significant redesign of the interface to the colors of Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note 3 overhaul of the screen locked: multiple widgets, ability to change the size of the clock and set a personal message Consolidation parameters with a separation into four tabs Integration of the new Samsung keyboard (also present on the Galaxy S4) Updated GPU drivers (better performance were noted) Integration of the option to move applications to the external memory (App2SD) Integration of a new mode for the camera: Shot Sound & Integration of new features in the bar general notification integration of advanced voice controls (the user can control some parts of the phone with voice) Updating Samsung native applications: Calculator, Clock, Contacts, Gallery, Music, S-Voice Integration full screen in all applications Samsung and some other new way to discover ...
Note that some users may think that the transition from Android 4.1.2 to Android 4.3 fails integrate natively available on Android 4.2 features, but it is nothing. Remember seaweeds that this update adds indeed the Android 4.2 features and Android 4.3, plus all the latest in the list that have been implemented by Samsung. seaweeds
Like many others, in 2009, I fell in the bathroom Android. In recent years, I have acquired a pretty extensive knowledge about several mobile operating systems, I'm trying to transmit this passion every day.
Via ODIN and PDA file SamMobile (! Careful what firmware integrates Knoks that increments a counter "eFuse" non-resettable)
The shift slowly spreads over europe and should no longer delay.
After waiting weeks and weeks that Samsung wants to get a good 4.3, I fell there two weeks and I installed Paranoid Android. seaweeds Which is already in 4.4.2. Frankly, given the quality of custom roms (PA Omni Slim), it's a shame to stay on a stock rom. Especially since it installs in 5 minutes
I'd really like to know sIII me ... Especially since the time we were kept waiting
Oh yeah, I had read that there diagonal: p Phew my SD 32GB that I bought specially for this it will be able to serve (at the time when they promised us this functionality with 4.2)
Zarb your business is doing her a brig of the startup as the not just a slap in apps like her. You happen to have the download mode (power + home + volume down)? Whether manually download the archive on SamMobile and flash it with odin.
I do not understand, I have a 2 NOTE N7100 purchased naked I connect to kies and tell me that there is no update, even checking seaweeds directly on the phone told me that all are update ... How can I make to search please?
maybe it will not be long I know, but it is heavy to wait while everyone can do it ... I do not understand, I even reinstall kies is always the same it offers me no room for a day ...
I can not activate the "multi window" seaweeds function (to open two apps at the same time) on my GN2 after updating to Android 4.3. Do you have the same problem?
look in your task bar there is a new icon in the top right clicked, seaweeds it will open a page shortcut verifi that windows media is enabled maybe it's just --- Sent from the application F

This is where the winter

Few know who controls North Korea together with leader Kim Jong-un. Here we list some of the names who are said to have much influence in the country. Navigate through the articles by clicking on the arrows. Start reading here
12:34 Bubbling new Swedish beer culture 12:26 "It's the teachers' fault" - 60,000 wfn views of teacher video 11:42 Denmark worried about Swedish bobubbla 11:24 Bloodbath when Sunni member arrested 11:24 38 graves desecrated in Horby 11: 19 Knivdrama wfn at Haymarket 11:07 Couple wfn sold liquor in apartment 11:07 Lindell Vikarbyrå in the lead 10:50 No seized after hit and run accident 1 2 3
70-year-old found frozen in the ice
This is where the winter's hottest travel wfn Affordable holiday when the crown is strong - here are the best options.
More news News 12:26 Ironic teacher video became wfn YouTube success 11:24 Bloodbath when Sunni member arrested 11:24 38 graves desecrated in Horby 11:19 Knivdrama wfn at Haymarket 11:07 Couple sold liquor in apartment 10:50 Motorist ran on prams - Batter 10:48 Beware of wild boar at the border 10:45 One in four recruits wfn skipping training 10:38 SMHI Warmest Christmas in 50 years 10:29 Elderly man missing after fire More News Enterprise 12:34 The bubbles on Swedish brewing industry 11:42 Denmark worried about Swedish bobubbla 10:34 This year Christmas was not the year julkapp 10:07 Here is the most notified goods 08:19 U.S. company attacked Norwegian 06:38 Tough odds for the 2014 05:52 Exchange Executives optimistic for 2014 01:52 Italy's 'Google tax' postpones 22:31 New York: closing marginally longer, twitter fell 22:21 New York: Closed the tentative session just below zero Mera Enterprise wfn Culture 03:54 soap star was taken into favor again 01:00 Have the authors completely forgot the adventure? 01:00 Shunga - all you need to know about sex 18:12 band Pussy Riot put on ice 17:56 "Sweden is a fantasy land for us," 16:18 Three have listened to podcasts 15:31 Neil Gaiman wrote this year's book 15: 06 Miley Cyrus: "I'm playing a role" 14:27 Here's investments in video-2014 14:20 The Wire creator makes Pogues musical Mera Culture Focal 01:26 "Offensive judgment after dying filmed" 22:39 " New law needed to protect streams and rivers "16:58" Clear policies against violence against women "" The predators must take its place in nature "" Regulate fee for purchases with cards "" New court to handle patent "" Stockholm package need financing "" requires new policies to curb violence against women "" wfn Tear the Data Retention Directive "" governance undermines doctors 'profession' Mera Focal Sport 11:07 Lindell Vikarbyrå in the lead 10:35 boycotting Kowalczyk Tour de Ski 06:22 Het Backstrom lowered Rangers 21:41 outperformed Uppsala in rysarförlust 21:32 Falkenberg recruits from Hammarby 20:53 Li Fen won prestigious meeting 20:47 Wash stuffed Gerell 19:58 Easy Finnish victory 17:50 Only one of four repented wfn 17:31 Stefan Edberg helps Federer More Sports Travel Africa's best music festival Elegance Colorado luxury weekend at the classic charterön the Wild: Canada Top ten worst tourist attractions - here is the list the ten most absurd reasons for flight delays Paphos in Cyprus is a historical treasure list: deadly bathing Here are history's greatest charter flops Experience Cambodia beyond the tourist traps More Travel Food and Wine 5 really wfn good boxviner Mölstad 5 best bubble tip Berglund 5 cognacs and shot Favorites SvD's ölexpert about this year's Christmas Beer "mulled wine first mother wfn still stands" "Skinkfusket lives in taverns" French newcomer awarded full marks Winds wines against wfn European wfn work again Välkombinerat at Jonas Whole grains protect against colon cancer More Food & Wine side of the business 01:26 Swedish shantytowns a social catastrophe 1:26 Go in opposition, Reinfeldt! A really good year for Putin as a manager Reading on Boxing Day Moral greatness may be living reality This year started Christmas in Kärrtorp A nation that turns toward wfn the stars? Mobility must have scope Bespisningsundret in Undersåker Mera side of the business
Swedish Dagbladet | Editor in chief: Fredric Karén | CEO Gunilla Asker | Deputy responsible publisher and editors: Olle Zachrison and Niklas Kierkegaard wfn | Acting news editor SvD.se: Petter Forslund | Sales Manager ad: Peter Oskarsson | Leave news tips - Tell @ svd. see | Contact Active Web Editor - webbredaktion@svd.se | How to use SvD.se cookies | Address: Swedish Dagbladet, 105 17 Stockholm | Visit: Klarabergsviadukten 21, Stockholm | Telephone Customer Service: +46 8 618 02 20 | Phone: + 46 8 13 50 00 | Organization number: 902004-3619 | Update your browser surfabra.se
SvD Business | Nliv.se | Editor in chief: Fredric Karén | CEO Gunilla Asker | Deputy responsible publisher and editors: Olle Zachrison and Niklas Kierkegaard | Head SvD Business: Maria R

Friday, December 27, 2013

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Thursday, December 26, 2013

First I apologised to my children. Then I tried to reply to those acquaintances and strangers who ex

Why I signed ACTA
On Thursday, 26 th January, 2012, I signed the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) on behalf of the Republic of Slovenia, following the directive and authorisation of the Slovenian government. ido fishing A somewhat longer clarification of the signature can be found on the Media section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, which explains the role of the Ministry and my role as the Slovenian Ambassador to Japan. This explanation states that I signed the agreement because ido fishing I was instructed to do so by the government, and because it is a part of my job.
And yet, why did I sign ACTA. Every day there is a barrage ido fishing of questions in my inbox and on Facebook from mostly kind and somewhat baffled people, who cannot understand how it occurred to me to sign an agreement so damaging to the state and citizens. With this reply, which is of a purely personal nature and expresses only my personal views, I wish to respond to all those people, all my friends and acquaintances who have remained quiet, ido fishing all Anonymous, and not least also to myself and to my children. ido fishing
I signed ACTA out of civic carelessness, because I did not pay enough attention. Quite simply, I did not clearly ido fishing connect the agreement ido fishing I had been instructed to sign with the agreement that, according to my own civic conviction, limits ido fishing and withholds the freedom of engagement on the largest and most significant network in human history, and thus limits particularly the future of our children. I allowed myself a period of civic complacency, for a short time I unplugged myself from media reports from Slovenia, I took a break from Avaaz and its inflation of petitions, quite simply I allowed myself a rest. In my defence, I want to add that I very much needed this rest and that I am still having trouble gaining enough energy for the upcoming dragon year. At the same time, I am tackling a workload that increased, not lessened, with the advent of the current year. All in line with a motto that has become familiar to us all, likely not only diplomats: less for more. Less money and fewer people for more work. And then you overlook the significance of what you are signing. And you wake up the following morning with the weight of the unbearable lightness of some signature.
First I apologised to my children. Then I tried to reply to those acquaintances and strangers who expressed their surprise and horror. Because there are more and more of them, I am responding to them publicly. I want to apologise because I carried out my official duty, but not my civic duty. I don t know how many options I had with regard to not signing, but I could have tried. I did not. I missed an opportunity ido fishing to fight for the right of conscientious objection on the part of us bureaucrats.
But there is a second, very important reason why I am writing this. There has been a demonization ido fishing of some sneak , that is me, who in far-off Tokyo secretly signed something on her own initiative. This was heard in the Slovenian parliament and in the Slovenian media, ido fishing and it is spreading on the web. It is dangerous particularly ido fishing because it conceals the responsibility of those who had the power to decide, and did in fact decide, that Slovenia would be a signatory of ACTA. This was decided by the Slovenian government and by the parliamentary committee for EU matters, and before that, Slovenia ido fishing was for quite some time involved in coordinating the agreement. All this was done with too little transparency, judging by the outraged responses that have appeared following the signing. Back then, the Slovenian media did not demonise this decision ido fishing to the same extent as they now demonise my signature. This I consider very dangerous for the continuous (non-)development of democracy in Slovenia. At the same time, this means that I was not the only one whose attention slipped, that we, as Slovenian citizens, neglected our civic duty. And that there may be a little known party in the Slovenian political space that missed an excellent opportunity to gain votes in the recently concluded electoral struggle.
On Saturday, 4 th February, ido fishing a protest is planned in Ljubljana for those who object to the ratification of ACTA. The true concern and determination of those Slovenian citizens who feel that the agreement must be stopped will be reflected in the number of people who attend this protest. I would like to ask for somebody to please attend in my name. One of my concerned correspondents asked me what my brother, the late Dr. Janez Drnovšek , would have thought of my signature. The struggle to protect civic freedoms is most certainly in the spirit of his heritage, much more so than the removal ido fishing or non-removal of some statue. Let my example be a cautionary tale of how swiftly we can make mistakes if we allow ourselves to slip. And if nothing else, we then sleep very badly.

tna was already such a cunt? # Show comment Drakorn 9 months ago +1 by such hip-hops like those at

30 tons - Movers & Shakers - complete edition of 1 July 2001 - Wykop.pl
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The entire edition of the musical "30 tons - List, list, hit list" of 1 July 2001. In episode in between clips were Polish rap bands: Paktofonika, Warszafski rain, RHX and the Old Town.
Massacre: (I still remember this summer I played in herosy farmed and these songs were on top. # Show comment rainkiller 9 months ago +4
website still works, but only some ads from the sea ... (In 2001, I was half-way point in high school, so I know and danced at all, I just came to 4 places - interesting! Not see that they were on the charts ... the first even close! # Show comment simperium 9 months ago 0
@ Nootty: hahaha: D I wanted to enter, you're wrong, that after all this now cgm.pl, but I go, and there ... tents as from the sea ;). edit: but 30ton.com.pl actually notice from the sea: <# show comment
tna was already such a cunt? # Show comment Drakorn 9 months ago +1 by such hip-hops like those at the end of the program began to annoy me until finally I stopped to watch it pretty # show comment darosoldier 9 months ago 0
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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Stim deja ca Bucurestiul nostru este un oras controversat, plin de contraste si istorie, insa asta n

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

During the mid-1990s, there were two superpowers in MMA, Graciefamiljen and American wrestling. Men

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Spontaneous ahead, we may think of Chael Sonnen as the topic quotes discussed. But even though the gangster from Oregon is a rhetorical master and thrown in the jaw that few, Sonnen japesca has rarely said anything with a deeper meaning. Weekly list focuses on the choice of words that were repeated and left an imprint, for various reasons. As honorable mention is the comment field open to our readers' favorites. "Mr. Coleman is very strong"
During the mid-1990s, there were two superpowers in MMA, Graciefamiljen and American wrestling. Men as Mark Coleman had just redrawn the map for how to fight in the cage and the Brazilian family preferred the games in Japan. Thus, the question arose as to who could have won if they met. Rickson Gracie was generally considered the family's greatest fighter. Partly because of the professional record japesca ended at 11-0, but even more because japesca of the claim being 400-0 in unsanctioned challenge matches. When the mythical Gracien asked about the then-reigning UFC champion Coleman, the answer was the quote above. Thereafter the "Mr. Coleman is very strong" to a viral phenomenon on the discussion forum. It is not easy to explain why it was considered so much fun and was so constantly quoted and repeated. Perhaps because japesca it illustrated how rigidly Brazilian fighters often express themselves in English. Maybe because Rickson five words summed up why the generation of Gracies never met a monster wrestler. "Petey, my heart!"
Ken Shamrock was still considered around the turn of the century to be a legitimate and respected fighter who basically only met the top names. Under contract with Pride FC, met the American fighter shoot local favorite Kazuyuki Fujita in 2000. The Japanese wrestler was known for its ruggedness japesca and ability to avoid submissions. In short Shamrock had no success to finish the fight despite the takeover of all levels japesca and was drawn into an energy-demanding game slide. After only six minutes were Shamrock absorbed by the hopeless task. Call Corner broke the fight after Shamrock faltered against his corner man Pete Williams by "Petey, my heart". Prayer to the ring corner could easily be interpreted humorous, japesca but bottomed out in the Shamrock thought they had had a heart attack. Something as serious, however, had not occurred and the dramatic scene never really got any explanation. Fittingly, the loss marked the point when Shamrock began to lose many more games than he won, and instead went on to become something of a drama queen. "It's embarrassing to a lot of people"
2004 Matt Hughes not only king of the welter weight but pretty much head over everything that was burkamp. The farmer from Illinois japesca was 35-3 overall, had a suite on the 13 straight victories japesca and had razed all challengers to the ground. Not even a kick to the groin and near unconsciousness distributed by Frank Trigg could dismiss Hughes from the throne. Therefore, it was considered shocking when the cocky lightweight BJ Penn wanted japesca to jump up a weight class to challenge for the belt. Even more surprising was that Dana White refused this. Hughes was offended japesca and said that the whole spectacle was a mockery of the sport. japesca "It's embarassing to a lot of people what he's doing," explained welt Landervik's patriarch japesca with a condescending tone. Then it went as it went. Penn knocked down and choked out Hughes in the first round and celebrated his victory by giving Hughes a bloody kiss on the mouth. The dethroned japesca champion remained japesca on the canvas with an embarrassed smile, humiliation in the eyes and bloody lips. Embarrassing japesca is the word. It was the victory that lifted Penn to the crowd favorite, and although Hughes took back the throne, he was considered never as superhuman again. "The living death"
Consciously trash talk and similar marketing japesca was long an undeveloped concept in MMA. But there were two exceptions, Ken Shamrock and Tito Ortiz. The two loudest skrävlarna know how to play enough theater to fire on the crowd. Pledged against each other, it was almost too much of a good thing, japesca which appeared at the press conference before their first match. Shamrock threatened to "beat you into the living death", what on earth it now would mean. In response to the threat of being turned into a zombie, Ortiz responded with a forced jeers. The whole scene was hard labored and so o

Monday, December 23, 2013

Go to article: meenah peixes http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/30_ton_-_lista, meenah peixes _lista_prze

30 tons - list, hit list! - Wykop.pl
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@ Jestem_legenda: are you sure that Saturday, because I remember meenah peixes that '96. is emitted on Sunday. Great program wyprzedający meenah peixes graphics of its time light years! Top-selling CDs, radio hits and upcoming concerts and in addition to the calendar ... now no one gives such informacji.Bliżej, harder ... now :) SKUD 1 year 8 months ago # go to the comment + 114
This program has always reminded meenah peixes me of the first place a piece of Paktofonika - CD Cinematography, and here I see that I have never been there :) but I remember Ich Troje. Saturdays at 14 emitted :) # show comment SKUD 1 year 8 months ago 114
@ Jestem_legenda: are you sure that Saturday, because I remember that '96. is emitted on Sunday. Great program wyprzedający graphics of its time light years! Top-selling CDs, radio hits and upcoming concerts and in addition to the calendar ... now no one gives such informacji.Bliżej, meenah peixes harder ... now :) # show comment jestem_legenda 1 year 8 months ago -1
@ P1tek: exactly, and two hours later Charles meenah peixes familiadzie us laugh :) # show comment p1tek 1 year 8 months ago 53 @ qboss81: meenah peixes the "laugh" I would so not szarżował # show comment qboss81 1 year 8 months . ago +1
@ P1tek: yes, no I took the quote / quotation marks because I do not know how to spell and check I do not have much time, but do not tell jokes were front at that time: D # show comment haxxx 1 year 8 months ago +1
@ Jestem_legenda: OLD, too August reminds me a CD of Cinematography in this program! Strange, because it does not even have a music video, but also once I thought about it, I greet :)) # show comment looongier 1 year 8 months ago 0
@ Jestem_legenda: at the beginning of the list was on Friday at 17, then it has jumped from Saturday to Sunday, a few times. But it's probably the longest Saturday at 13.30. I know because I've seen almost all the letters from the beginning up to 2004 :) # show comment kicioch 1 year 8 months ago 18
Could use a version meenah peixes of the title + link to youtube which would itself be able to listen and reminisce once :) but I trench, very well this program memories :) # show comment Munchhausen 1 year 8 months ago 79
@ Kicioch: I agree! To a person had in the XXI century song titles alone copy and paste them personally on YouTube. It beggars meenah peixes belief: D # show comment kicioch 1 year 8 months ago 89
@ Cranberry: Beautiful times. I do not know why, but to me it evokes the best http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k88vEZpEi3E Somehow positive, yet nostalgic. The man did not have so many problems and worries ... # Show comment Axelio 1 year 8 months ago 38
To this day I do not understand TVP's decision to abolish the further meenah peixes production of this program. meenah peixes Indeed, in 2006, have already shown there getting worse pieces, but at least he was not the only music program on TV where you can watch some videos! Where is the mission of TVP? # Show comment hoi_polloi 1 year 8 months ago 85
@ Dzej_kob: one, because there is. Recently, I remembered that after sometime music videos on TV were dropped, just like that, not in any program, just as the cutscenes. I'll have to start an agribusiness say, but it was three minutes pierdykniemy video. And now? Same ads, sir. # Show comment looongier 1 year 8 months ago +1
@ Axelio: from what I know, it's a picture of this antenna was involved nina Terentiew and piotr rubik, but what exactly it was I do not know. And I'd love to find out ... # Show comment Luxik 1 year 8 months ago 61
@ Luxik: Also I liked this program, but I do not see him any "mission". After all, most of the songs from the masthead is plain pop, without any particular artistic values, or what they like mass. # Show comment necropoleis 1 year 8 months ago +6
@ Luxik: what a crap? What mission? Popular music, you probably today's pop is indigestible, and for 10 years, someone will also be fondly remembered. Many people mention good music / animated movies / whatever from my childhood - and it does not matter whether it was good or not good. No mission here. # Show comment Tedohadoer 1 year 8 months ago -1
@ Luxik: You're right, there was not commercialism and the music was played so true from the heart and not what now remains the only radio and set your own mp3 :)

Sunday, December 22, 2013

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Coming (films that were featured on the personal charts but did not make it on the aggregate): Jona

"Mulholland Drive" (David Lynch) David Lynch gives us a noir film fra our time, a psychological thriller der ikke alt you like understandable with innovative cinematography, blanking og åpen slopes. There is a good porsjon magical Réalisme in the history of skuespilleren Betty Elms which floats to Los Angeles. The film plays with the tradisjonelle innholdet og sjangerens shape, while reducing the berører. oyster online In good Lynch ånd verdsetter og utfordrer oyster online he is tenkende publikummet. (JSR)
Dog Days" (Ulrich Seidl) In his first fictional feature film paints director Ulrich Seidl up portrait of Austria and the human condition that is pitch dark, though oyster online not without a heavy dose of black humor. Perversions and the total human inability to communicate with each other is the main ingredient in a movie that dares to see life with criticizing, provocative and anything but smarmy look. (MMK)
Lord of the Rings - Lord of the Rings" (Peter Jackson) Frodo Baggins cover for Mordor for the acknowledgment segment with the ring. With tough on reisen he may succor oyster online of blant annet other hobbiter, dverger og elves. It s første part in the trilogy as in Peter Jackson's directing ble et forrykende mesterverk og stands tilbake that future beste fantasy film. It s an homage til Tolkien's univers der alt fra musikk til so vel as spesialeffekter you in a klasse Horrmundsgården. (JSR)
"Donnie Darko" (Richard Kelly) parallelly universom, a whopping fascinating rabbit named Frank, squeaky acting performances from Jake Gyllenhaal and Jena Malone ... there is much good to say about Donnie Darko. But if one is to mention only one thing that makes the film an unforgettable experience, it is that it screws up the viewer's desire to interpret and theory sera, about what the movie is about and how it relates to reality, to 11 (Nigel Tufnel had certainly written a song of the movie if he remains active). (MMK)
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Saturday, December 21, 2013


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Friday, December 20, 2013

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MASS CULTURE 48 - 30 TON HIT PARADE: masakultury.pl
Attention will be sentimental and wspominkowo. siakap keli We're going on a journey back in time to when Simon imposed every morning wearing white makeup, and Michael sipped cheap wine on the beach ... Yes, settle today with songs that somehow occurred to us for the skin and lodged in the memory.
LIST OF LYRICS: 0:20 - Baha Men - "Who Let The Dog's Out" 3:45 - Anna Marja Jopek - "But I am" 09:30 - Laid Back - "Baker Man" 13:00 - Kayah - "On Languages" 16:40 - Hens - "The golden Chrysanthemums" 20:05 - The Cure "Burn" 22:20 - KSU - "sassy Punk" 24:35 - Lady Pank - "Little War" 28:40 - Lionel Richie - "Hello" 32:30 - Nat King Cole - "Fascinaton" 36:45 - Frank Sinatra "Fly me to the moon" 42:00 - The Offspring "LAPD" 48:00 - Daft Punk "Disc Wars" 49:30 - Stan Borys - "Swallow Trapped" 1:04:00 - Electric Guitars "End" siakap keli Flo Rida - "Whistle" siakap keli (not linking siakap keli to because it is not worth it. By the way - the guy is the stupidest nickname ever. Starting today tell me Tri City, or possibly Pomeranian Skie)
TABLE OF CONTENTS 0:00 - 5:15 - Intro and powitaiia 5:15 - 10:00 - Baker Man 10:00 - 13:40 - The Languages 13:40 - 20:40 - Burn and Doda 20:40 - 25: 50 - Little War of Lady Pank 25:50 - 29:30 - Hello 29:30 - 33:30 - Fascination 33:30 - 38:00 - turn out me to the moon 38:00 - 42:30 - 42:30 LAPD - 48:30 - War Disk 48:30 - 56:40 - Swallow Drinking 56-40 - 1:05:45 - End
Post tags But I am Anna Marja Jopek Baha Men Baker Man's golden chrysanthemums Burn Disc Wars Daft Punk Electric Guitars Fascinaton Flo Rida Fly me to the moon Frank Sinatra Hello sassy Punk Swallow Imprisoned Kayah KSU End Chickens Laid Back Lady Pank Lionel siakap keli Richie LAPD Little War On Languages Nat King Cole Stan Borys The Cure, The Offspring Whistle Who let's the dog out
The first is a brilliant soundtrack szitowego Witcher siakap keli Ciechowski wrote the music anyway. A true masterpiece, so far I do not bored with the whole CD and listen without interruption - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kY2_Bu751c&list=PL42DEAAD29994AFC7
The second is triphopowy piece that I recently discovered after 9 years of searching. I remember seeing video empik and caused a huge impression on me theme, brutality and fierce music. Now completely different I look at it, we perception changes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=v1TsCud9QhU
In such moments, siakap keli I realize that unless I lost a bit of his youth: P. I do not have songs with stories, at most, from Fear of the Dark and Irons decided to take up the guitar: P. Episode good as always, but this time, despite the lack of a guest, perhaps a little sense were: D.
The Bard's Song - Blind Guardian Unforgiven siakap keli II - Metallica Lady in Black - Uriah Heep Silent Scream - Slayer Hank Williams - Alone and Forsaken Johnny siakap keli Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down Omega - Gyöngyhajú Lány
It will not be a story about your favorite song, but the music certainly. At the time of the Commodore 64, when the games were on tape and had to be "upload" combining the head, borrowed from a friend cartridge games. She had been there some great news. I spent 2.5 hours on, firmware and nothing. Trying my father and nothing. In the end, suddenly I hear something from the deck. A tune which I associate. "Silent Night" specifically. I NIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I put the cassette into Kasprzak and a concert of Christmas carols by just this region. Buddy was lucky that I did not have it handy :)
And holy words, that music plays great intellectual work. How do I phase chemistry (long and true) it looped sensational soundtrack siakap keli for "Mortal Kombat" I studied chemistry at the Olympics, and the results were very good.
Favorite Westerns give you now and no waiting - "A Fistful of Dollars", "For A Few Dollars More", "The Good The Bad and The Ugly", "Once Upon a Time in the West" and "Unforgiven." Easily browse my answer key :)
Absolutely one of the best soundtracks. I wish only to be left version "is not a film" which would be less songs, but longer. Some great pieces end up too quickly, because the film does not have to be longer.
Congratulations on a great choice of song to dance at the wedding (Nat King Cole). In particular, it is (according to my instructor who taught us 3 months

Modeler 12, 1963

This time a little unusual. Today, diego koi it seems unlikely that I could just waste your time to watch this program, because not too many songs that I liked and I was waiting there shown. For this presentation tens of seconds track was shameful and absurd from the point of view of the listener. However, nothing ever sat and watched spellbound always program from cover to cover. So just acted lack of access to nieistniejęcego anyway then the Internet and its resources. I watched diego koi all new recordings and any information about me interesting new bands.
Ah, the quick installation and a multitude of animations and krejzi ideas for conversation diego koi with guests. Time spent watching this program passed quickly. And this is such a tribute to my past times and the post-industrial era but before diego koi digital. But l do not let the charm of memories obscure facts to me that I watched this program but only because I had no other alternative. MTV did not have, so it was a little diego koi substitute for music television.
Today, virtually no such programs anywhere, because why is youtube, Fejsbuk. In ancient times it was a few of these programs. diego koi About one already written somewhere, and yet one that I remember very warm is paler:
Today, even hard to find a rock band website. Everyone uses only his profile on a blue portal. Okay, I jump IT! See what the folks there they write about our team.
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Modeler 12, 1963
1 day ago
That's what I play or musical blog of Peter K.
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Thursday, December 19, 2013

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@ Kaczorra: I

30 tonnes list, list, list of hits! - Wykop.pl
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Do you remember these hits? Guess what will be the first place?
oldest first newest best Brodzacy_w_Zbozowej 10 months ago 43
Question to those who have also seen here 30Ton the first time since he disappeared from the antenna: whether the view of the graphic design, video clips, music and voice-overs also reminded you of those years, the streets of their town back then, climate and episodes from the life on Saturday near 13 30 when he flew this program? santee lakes # Nostalgiawchuj # show comment HadronsCollidor 10 months ago 0
@ Brodzacy_w_Zbozowej: all week waiting on this program :) # show comment Qrystus 10 months ago 2 @ styroslaw: In the beginning was always on Saturday. I always watched the fairy tales disney on TVP 1 # Show comment Kaczorra 10 months ago 30
Some 20 of the 30 songs from this quotation is on my permanent playlist, while today's santee lakes letter "hits" with some Viva, RMFu Zetas or another I can not even listen to the whole. Some want to whistle a whistle, others for lack of ideas for text sing "ram pa pa pam", and in the end comes out a little fagot with some Nicki, what looks like pollock. Why do people listen to the music stopped and switched to crap? # Show comment Brodzacy_w_Zbozowej 10 months ago -1
@ Kaczorra: I can not edit, and sounded like heresy, but in my commentary on just about popular music that once it was better than now;> # show comment kozzi 10 months ago 11
@ Kaczorra: No, people are not switched to crap, then you just get older ;) This crap that now is the time for a few years will be as iconic as the songs of 30 tons. Times change, tastes change, there's nothing you can do about it ;) # show comment p4trykx 10 months ago -1
@ Archive: two bikes, just 5, you're right, it's just the memories of his youth because so colorful: D blockbusters like once and now nei impossible to listen to # show comment Mamoniowa 10 months ago +1
@ Kaczorra: I'm afraid that today we are in a place of our parents when he was on top of Lady Pank, Perfect, Mann and they wanted Miecia Fogg. Signs of the Times # show comment Borillo 10 months ago 0
@ Kaczorra: The only answer as I arises is: 98.8 MHz, turn the Troika! Friday's list of Bear rebuild your lost faith in the sense of musical aesthetics. # Show comment mpetrumnigrum 10 months ago +1
@ Kaczorra: After all, almost all the songs you just heard were the Chlamydia such as those you write about today. And best still are Chlamydia even propaganda use of condoms "Załuż my gums on the instrument" # show comment Mentor 10 months ago 24
The graphics in this program was for those times so impressive and unusual, as it is now some space technology in TVs :) Everything was gray, dull, flat, and there animations, 3d, colors, santee lakes and the reader that could compete head to head with Dan Dostonem :) # show comment Peter-Muwi-sculpted 10 months ago +8
I loved this program. Pissed me only that it was so short that the songs were dropped, only in small fragments and as you know, in those days there was no access to this kind of music in total. Then they began to juggle hours emissions of this program, it dumps for every moment santee lakes elsewhere. There was a time that with each week was broadcast santee lakes at a different time, like a seal the-hole ... Then I stopped to watch it ... And probably not just me because santee lakes soon died a natural death. A pity, because it was probably the last manifestation slightly higher musical culture in public television (except maybe library of adult Man, that despite his young age then eagerly watched). # Show comment Socinus 10 months ago 0
@ Sleep-walker: This is one way of destroying interesting programs - juggling time of the issue or letting reruns, even though they are new episodes. Even with many a program I've been advised ... # Show comment przemyslany_nick 10 months ago +8
@ P4trykx: Officially, yes, but I think that the greatest success in the three major centers of trade, among others, audio-visual media in Białystok, or bazaars santee lakes Jurowiecka, Madro and Kawaleryjska in 1997 enjoyed the album "OK" the Boys ;) # show comment JackTasacK 10 months ago +5
There is no longer such hits :/ # show comment sinusik 10 months ago 0
@ Honotu: There is lack of such programs, but instead are MTV and problems of young mothers or teams from the United States. I am unconvinced by the argument that it is now youtube etc, as seen in the film in

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

(It must be grab the high unemployment and growing inequality ditto ...) I touched on this during y

It has in recent days become increasingly clear that Sweden as a country and society regarded not that much better than other European countries on the continent for years been struggling with extreme right-wing and left-wing extremist violence. Something that follows in the wake of the severe economic and social crisis that has become a serial in the media, it has become for us to sit in the stands and watch while this thought pops up "Yes yes, that's where it but so has we are not in Sweden anyway. " The picture I believe came to an abrupt end with Sunday's Nazi terror attacks in Kärrtorp and loathing over it, I think that many know today. But the question is, has the political parties in parliament especially those more related to each other than to the reality understood the gravity ...? Jultalen they succeeded each other yesterday, but it appears not to have changed the political strategy significantly ...
(When insecurity is growing because society is cracking, take the political dark forces the chance atlantic salmon ...) I've listened to all the eight party leaders' Christmas speech and it strikes me that for those parties who hold on to triangulate the political midfield to pieces, it is more or less more of same. Notwithstanding that, for example Stefan Löfven (S) and Gustav Fridolin (MP) addresses the issue of the school. atlantic salmon It is good when the need to focus on reading as early as possible can not be stressed enough, so is school atlantic salmon policy one of the most shoved atlantic salmon political atlantic salmon issues because everyone wants to be the most "skolvvänlig" versus the more than 800 000 for the 2014 elections crucial middle atlantic salmon voters. All but two parties that do not triangulates all the Left Party and the Sweden Democrats, which for the latter party in any case has provided atlantic salmon a safe distance down to the 4% barrier to parliament. So when I listened to Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt (M), and his Christmas atlantic salmon speech on the radio, I could already yesterday noting that it pressed a dark tone but that he did not iddes mention what happened in Kärrtorp and its impact on the social climate. atlantic salmon Maybe not so strange, because the way that the policy is carried on, you can not take in what reality really looks like. As the neoliberal models assuming support of the incentive atlantic salmon reformist line would collapse like a house of cards ...
(It must be grab the high unemployment and growing inequality ditto ...) I touched on this during yesterday afternoon, but after reading more articles on the subject that addresses how completely free from the despicable happened in Kärrtorp and how it is related to the current atlantic salmon societal means that there is reason to do it again. For the fact that the police did not for some reason managed to stop the Nazi terror attack atlantic salmon against the anti-racist demonstration will allow people's confidence in the state's monopoly of violence eroded. For it bodes well not good, with two elections next year and one can assume that both the extreme right and extreme left-wing movements and associated hang arounds will increase their violent activities. For now was I suppose a test of how well the readiness of the law enforcement police in this case really is and it's certainly not a very difficult guess to assume that the Nazis got the answers they so badly wanted. atlantic salmon Increased insecurity due to high unemployment and perform hedging of long-term sick and unemployed, that in itself gives added benefit dependency and hopelessness grow something that is clean mumman for extremist parties / movements. It may be that Reinfeldt struck a dark tone in his Christmas atlantic salmon speech yesterday afternoon, but he failed completely to touch that which is the basis for the very upsetting events in Kärrtorp. The question is what is required to the prime minister atlantic salmon and his minority government atlantic salmon to wake up, for there is much in society that needs to be fixed to asa p .. Recommended: Magnus Mann Hammer and PM Nilsson and Anders Lindberg and Daniel Swedin and Martin Moberg and Susanne Sjöstedt and Dagbladet and VF and SMP and Hans Bülow and DN 1 and DN2 and Annarkia and Arbetarbladet 1 and Arbetarbladet2 and Dagens Arena and Expr 1 and Expr2 and Sydöstr and GP posts in Opinion Education, Politometern, read other bloggers' opinions about politics, health insurance, Phase 3, society, culture, personal, social democrats, Ronneby, Blekinge, Interesting?
Labels: # sd # svpol, meditation, fascism, Fredrik atlantic salmon Reinfeldt, Christmas speech, the Conservatives, neo-Nazis, personal, politics, racism, society, the Social Democrats, Stefan Löfven, terror, val14, widening gaps
Editorial - Sydöstran Leader - Aftonbladet Leader - ETC Leader - Norrland Social Democrat Leader - Arbetarbladet Leader - All kinds of leaders - Piteå Newspaper Editorial - Västerbotten folkblad Leaders - The Daily Leader - Folkbladet Leader - People Leader - Gotland Folkblad Leader - Dalademokraten Leader - Echo Leader - Heat

Monday, December 16, 2013

We returned to New Trends who was standing koi po che half in recent months, blame the great demand

Opposite Fri: new wave New Zealand koi po che 'New Trends
The Cribs - Chi-To ...
We returned to New Trends who was standing koi po che half in recent months, blame the great demand for labor in BE1 Radio Rock, but as I can not resist the "new" trends, I return with a band from New Zealand, land of great friends and great bands.
The band's sound is a middle ground between new wave and indie, very enjoyable to listen to, and much of it thanks to the particular way of playing koi po che down Lucy and her lyrics full of sweet and disturbing things at once. Final consideration: KCT good prac ... down there listening to the album is available on Bandcamp band.
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Sunday, December 15, 2013

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